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Harness Racing / Re: Racism in the WNBA exists!
« Last post by carl baldwin on Today at 03:08:39 PM »
Taught high school in Chicago for 35 years, in all "non White schools" I know what it feels like to be the other person, plenty of resentment!!
My ex-girlfriend taught middleschool math at D-89 years ago I heard some entertaining stories.
You might not like him BUT REMEMBER !!  without him there would be no Meadowlands. He's an arrogant jerk, aren't most race track owners (Casino's)!
, It's his, It's his lease, he can run it the way he wants, if you don't want to race there, don't!! Look it ain't the old Big M, get over it. If he's loosing money, feeding the poor horseman, shame on him. Remember he has 2 other track too deal with. HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU THINK HARNESS RACING BRINGS IN? The only thing that saves the tracks are his poor performing casinos. Only Sports Betting is making anything.

What rubs people the wrong way is everyone knows he got involved at the meadowlands for a shot at a highly lucrative casino. Not for racing.
Now that he failed at getting a casino and failed at operating the racetrack successfully, he is making threats and demanding money.
You might not like him BUT REMEMBER !!  without him there would be no Meadowlands. He's an arrogant jerk, aren't most race track owners (Casino's)!
, It's his, It's his lease, he can run it the way he wants, if you don't want to race there, don't!! Look it ain't the old Big M, get over it. If he's loosing money, feeding the poor horseman, shame on him. Remember he has 2 other track too deal with. HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU THINK HARNESS RACING BRINGS IN? The only thing that saves the tracks are his poor performing casinos. Only Sports Betting is making anything.
« Last post by Brkn Headpole on Today at 02:14:50 PM »
I'm so sick and tired of goddam anti-American hippies like Stan Dunbread attacking the justice system, comparing this country to foreign dictatorships, siding with Commies like Putin,  vilifying the FBI, ransacking the capital and flying the American flag upside down. I AM SO OUTRAGED!!! This is the worst thing since Colin Kaapernick taking a knee.

Do you even know what it means when the American flag is flown upside down?
« Last post by Papillon on Today at 02:10:46 PM »
You want to know why?

I'll tell you why.

Because he hates N1ggers and Sp1cks just like they do.

That's why.

this is accurate tmbz1
Harness Racing / Re: POINT PROVEN
« Last post by Ramnap on Today at 01:39:40 PM »
I know wrenn drives Schillaci horses quite a bit but she makes some bad drivers look good. 
Hunter Meyers
Chris lems
AMEN sister!!!! Wrenn is a sulker too I hear. I'm pretty sure he didn't earn the drives he gets he just plays the game. Aaron earned his drives, we knew within a few months he was something special.
Harness Racing / Re: Locinvar Art
« Last post by The Thorn on Today at 12:26:53 PM »
That article was from last August so it's safe to say things did not go as planned.  Namely "With no big races around we decided to give him a couple of months"  and Gordon said "all going well, Lochinvar Art would continue to race for the rest of this season and then the next"

Well it's been ten months since those statements so something obviously has changed.
Harness Racing / Re: Engblom on Ongait
« Last post by The Exporter on Today at 12:23:45 PM »
Looks like anyone with interest and money, jumped off after that dismal and yet to be explained performance, Saturday night.
Harness Racing / Re: Captains Quarters is a NO GO!
« Last post by mwins on Today at 11:48:27 AM »
I asked the same thing last year.
Who is sending him a 200k horse?
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