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I don't know why you are knocking the guy for taking care of horses that were destined for death or shitty lives?Most of you want the sport cleaned up and he appears to be doing a good job of pissing off the powers that be so that is a good thing as far as I am concerned
An honest question......Doe s $650 a month seem a little high to board a horse?We had hunter/jumper horses a while ago and it was no where near that much.My next question is what do trainers charge per day for a horse that is actually racing at smaller tracks like vernon and monticello?Its no wonder these tracks have 6 horse fields a majority of their races.
i don't think it's high here in NY area.. i haven't owned a horse in almost 12 years but even then i think it was costing us $1200 a month in expenses ( feed, bedding , stall rent, shoeing and other basic needs.. it's not cheap around here .
its about 30 to 35 a day
i just listened to Mike's latest youtube.. He said he includes about $5 a day for himself .. Seems pretty reasonable to me .. Obviously he's doing this out of love for the horses and if he earns a couple of bucks for doing so he deserves it for all the time he dedicates to the horses..
Wrong. They can all suck my ass. They better start looking for jobs. And I am glad you admit none of you along with these people you want me to apologize to take the responsibility for the animals. Exactly what I tell Kathy Guillermo of PETA and NYCASS who are inches from ending your welfare. Apologize? You think I want back in??? Bahahahahahahahah ahahaahahahahaaa. ..Those fuckers will be working for us soon.