JOHN FRANK ARMY speaks about upcoming ARLINGTON SHIT meet. He know all.
(1) Nice of KARDASHIAN to just say nuttin on 15th of MARCH. Just him sayin groups of 4,unless you MILLION room,then you can have 6.
(2) Like his constant mention. ARLINGTON runs RAIN or SHINE. NO REFUNDS when you order.
(3) Refused to announce prices until APRIL 15th.
(4) BUT look at cheap prices that I know will be $40.00 for benches on apron and $100.00 for table on apron. Again stated:Regardless of weather that be the only place you can be. You will only be allowed to leave your seat to use RED ROOSTER lavoratory,purchase a dog,or a beverage or make a bet at machine. You then must return to your privileged seat. RULES it said will be STRICKLEY ENFORCED. Maybe I'll go to STICKNEY. I might add in this SHITHOLE situation. KARDASHIAN says DISTANCING will be enforced. JOHN FRANK ARMY been at that SHITHOLE track for 38 years. He been there for RAIN,LIGHTIN,and TORNADO'S. KARDASHIAN tellin people that purchase these that they fucked and must EDURE all outside conditions. Those metal tables and chairs. Good conductors for ELECTRIC.
(5) Which brings us to the protected underneath areas. The FUC KARDASHIAN got plans for that to. You gets seats protected from elements. You get some other screens to watch other tracks. You have bettin machines. YOU GONNA PAY A LOT MORE. If you sittin outside he encouraging everyone to just bet on your phone TWIN.
(6) There's no walkin around. You relegated to your seatin area. You don't like it and complain....ADIOS BRO,YOU ASKED TO LEAVE,either VOLUNTARY or SECURITY escort and chance of bein ARRESTED.
(7) As far as HISTORY goes. Between ARLINGTON races on the big screen they will show HISTORY. There no walkin around to view.

When JOHN FRANK ARMY speaks of HISTORY,they should have a non-stop MONTAGE of those that attended the SHITHOLE,not horses and big shots. WE supported the SHITHOLE over the years. We got the STORY'S.
(9) I'll end with this. Someone told me KARDASHIAN reads this SHITHOLE. I doubt it. He's to STUPID a FUC.
(10) I'll end with this II roman numeral. KARDASHIAN: FUC YOU,YOU FUCKIN PIECE OF SHIT. IT'S,JOHN FRANK ARMY sayin what a PIECE OF SHIT you are.