Author Topic: Goodbye Arlington Park  (Read 14730 times)

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Re: Goodbye Arlington Park
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2021, 02:39:10 PM »
What the bettors want and what they get especially with Draft Kings and others is not just the multiple bets before a game but also all the in game wagering throughout the game. Look what happened at the beginning of the pandemic over 5mln accounts were open at trading platforms to trade equities and options. Ten months later have added over 10mln accounts. Nearly free or free trading in and out. Robinhood you can buy fractional shares of stocks. Point is HARNESS racing offers zero to bettors. It has always been niche and can't compete against it's big brother, thoroughbreds. While there is still a thoroughbred handle harness racing without all the aid and racino setup would have folded long ago minus fair and some GC events. Harness will survive only with that and the very small handles they get. Those handles at most tracks when adding in their % back to the purse account is so small. No foresight, decades back to come up with a ADW platform like Youbet. Then others jumped in and horse racing was left scratching their head on with the new gorilla in the room. There is nothing to offer anyone wagering on horse racing. They have added many sucker bets while diluting some of these with stupid 10 cent wagers. Brick and mortar tracks and OTB are things of the past when everything is hand held. Dream if one wants but it lags in every possible way to all other type of gaming or even trading.


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Re: Goodbye Arlington Park
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2021, 03:03:30 PM »
In-game is great even for NBA.  Racing can't compete with that.

chief yogi

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Re: Goodbye Arlington Park
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2021, 04:58:55 PM »
racing flats or harness would be done without casino money supporting purses. both breeds let the otb and now adw have all the profits while the tracks putting on the show get 3-4 pennies on the dollar. its a business model that wont work. the live gate is next to none and the betting is all done off site.
   sports betting has a low house take but will do ok because there is almost zero in costs.  people love sports, and with so many to chose from and bet on the sports books will be packed untill that too goes on line completely.
   in the future very few tracks will be left in large part because of location. when they were all being built they were in populated areas to get the live crowd. now the land is worth far more than what will ever be made on racing.
  the sad thing here with arlington is churchill is the company doing it. what was a premiere track will be gone only because of greed by another racetrack that has decided to screw their own industry.

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Re: Goodbye Arlington Park
« Reply #18 on: February 24, 2021, 08:34:00 PM »
Round 2 GME, AMC, KOSS all last hour of trading and up big in the overnight session. With vol the way it is in the stock market why would anyone want to bet harness racing? Chasing that 3.00 win payout or hoping to get that 1 longshot when favorites at some of these tracks win at 40%.  Harness racing has no value going forward and has been that way for over a decade. Its dead get the clue?


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Re: Goodbye Arlington Park
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2021, 08:35:24 AM »
A few weeks ago Duchossois  sold  1,000,000 shares to Churchill and I don't see it mentioned anywhere  around here.

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Re: Goodbye Arlington Park
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2021, 08:58:07 AM »
A few weeks ago Duchossois  sold  1,000,000 shares to Churchill and I don't see it mentioned anywhere  around here.

I see it now.
He who laughs last, laughs best.

Germy dDay

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Re: Goodbye Arlington Park
« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2021, 09:22:34 AM »



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Re: Goodbye Arlington Park
« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2021, 04:06:06 PM »
Lookie here. SRP knows all about ARLINGTON PARK. Yet he shows tickets from SAM HOUSTEN,EVANGELINE,and Lone STAR.
Great that some A-HOLE who never at ARLINGTON in years now expertin it.

(1) They gonna allow 4,000 losers in every racin day. They droppin their price from $75.00 per person admission to $50.00. They gonna have all floors open for spacin. KARDASHIAN FUC knows LOSERS will want to attend cheap racin at $50.00 a pop as IDIOTS that want to in future say: I was there that last year.
(2) REFRESHMENTS. LEVY Brothers has ended. Thank GOD. ARLINTON,KARDASHIAN,runnin the refreshment show. Silver foil dogs at $5.00 a shot. Small package of chips at $4.00 a shot. NO bring in your own CHOW allowed.
(3) If anyone interested, JOHN FRANK ARMY has suggestion. Go and sit outside of MR.D"S in the apron. The second floor above it will soon collapse. If you a risk taker and think you can survive,you will have a nice lawsuit. If not. Happy to have known you.
(4) JOHN FRANK ARMY will not be attendin. He will attend funerals of those that are killed by colllapsin roff.


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Re: Goodbye Arlington Park
« Reply #23 on: March 01, 2021, 06:25:21 PM »
If they price gauge I will pass also.  SRP, what does Mr. D selling a portion of his CHDN stock matter?  The Churchill stock is not being effected in any way shape or form from the Arlington sale. Its a few peanuts on their balance sheet.


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Re: Goodbye Arlington Park
« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2021, 07:07:20 PM »
A few weeks ago Duchossois  sold  1,000,000 shares to Churchill and I don't see it mentioned anywhere  around here.

SRP - stick to what you know faggot...which is very little and certainly nothing about AP!  11.wp 11.wp 11.wp

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Re: Goodbye Arlington Park
« Reply #25 on: March 03, 2021, 05:15:17 PM »
RLD made a killing selling AP. I believe all the shares he received were to be sold back to CHDN. I think it was 3.5mln shares 30% of the company back in 2000. Valued at 28m at yhe RLD has sold shares back through the years at lofty levels and kudos for him at the young age of 99 still having shares left. In the end Churchill buys back the shares through time incorporating a huge profit and sits with over 325 prime acres worth way more today then 21 years ago. The only thing that changed the horsemen are racing for LESS purses and the racing associations still getting fucked by ownership and racing boards.


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Re: Goodbye Arlington Park
« Reply #26 on: March 03, 2021, 07:58:25 PM »
If they price gauge I will pass also.  SRP, what does Mr. D selling a portion of his CHDN stock matter?  The Churchill stock is not being effected in any way shape or form from the Arlington sale. Its a few peanuts on their balance sheet.

Are you back to thinking I'm a teller again? 73cv.2


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Re: Goodbye Arlington Park
« Reply #27 on: March 08, 2021, 05:48:27 PM »
Eyes nose who you is. We know you ain't LUCKY'S friend who's mom was BEER BELLY BOB'S girlfriend.
So it be one other.
We were friends for a long time. Like a many at track and I never had kids. Which is why so many can live there everyday,you included. But durin week you had to leave to pic up your wife at train at ARLINGTON stop. She worked while you retired early and makin her work cause you had a long way to go to MEDICARE. Health INS. a bitch and being carried by wife works out well. And I liked your wife and we got along well. But you were bashin me on BARN and I called you on it that last day. You then attacked me about bashin JEWS because your wife is JEWISH and you ain't. You told me earlier that your wife worked for some college recruitin and traveled a lot and she was gonna be re-located south west and yousse be movin. Never saw you again after that last day. YOU knew everythin bout JOHN FRANK ARMY. Besides our personal discussions,you read everythin I post. And your petty digging remarks both postin and in person were not welcome. And you moved and been attackin me ever since. Ain't that right BOZO (that a inside joke between us}.


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Re: Goodbye Arlington Park
« Reply #28 on: March 10, 2021, 02:54:10 PM »
I'll announce the upcoming prices and attendance at ARLINGTON PARK before they do MONDAY.
I was a little off. Not 4,000 each day but 3500.
Only can attend in groups of 4. Unless you want to buy a 4 bagger for yourself.
ADMISSION price. This still up for debate. $20.00 to $50.00 per 4 bagger person each day.
But you must additionally as a 4 bagger purchase either a park bench for $40.00 or a table for $100.00.
MR.D'S to be closed although that outside collapsing roof section will be open for seating and mortuary pic-up.
There will be no draft beer. All beer will be 16oz cans and cost $8.00. Toilets,rest rooms will be limited. Use the train station or RED ROOSTER.
CO-VID patients allowed. No temp check.
Fun filled day guarrented,with 8 races with anywhere from 4 to 6 horses per race.
JOHN FRANK ARMY will not be attendin. He gonna spend his time MAGNET FISHIN. Got some good spots along FOX. Member years ago he RIVER RATTED. Found some nice treasures. He no longer will wade. Tossin magnet these days works better.


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Re: Goodbye Arlington Park
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2021, 11:18:45 AM »
Its got nothing to do with that!!!! New gen doesnt want yo wait 30 minutes to play a race wait an do it over again they want instant gratification!!!!! Plus racing has turned into a joke lately no money to be made as a gambler!!!!! Especially in the midwest when u put 500 on a horse an they go 1/5!!!!!! Never seen snything like it especially at hoosier zero pool size!!!!!


shout out

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