Author Topic: Trump beats Nikki Haley in South Carolina GOP primary!!!  (Read 8796 times)

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Re: Trump beats Nikki Haley in South Carolina GOP primary!!!
« Reply #75 on: March 08, 2024, 02:22:10 PM »
The UAW president will be endorsing Biden. He also thinks Trump is an anti-union piece of crap. And you Mr Gaagoots think Michigan is going to vote for the biggest slimeball that ever stepped into the White House? In case you missed it President Biden supported the UAW 100% when they were on strike. He walked with thousands of UAW members in support of their cause. Last night the UAW president was standing and cheering for Biden. Don’t you believe that the hundreds of thousands of union members took notice of what Biden did for this and other unions? Your boy hasn’t done shit for unions. He rather suck up to the less than 1% of our population who are the super rich. Biden represents the middle and lower classes not the super rich or bigots that troll Horseplop.


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Re: Trump beats Nikki Haley in South Carolina GOP primary!!!
« Reply #76 on: March 08, 2024, 03:14:21 PM »
The UAW president will be endorsing Biden. He also thinks Trump is an anti-union piece of crap. And you Mr Gaagoots think Michigan is going to vote for the biggest slimeball that ever stepped into the White House? In case you missed it President Biden supported the UAW 100% when they were on strike. He walked with thousands of UAW members in support of their cause. Last night the UAW president was standing and cheering for Biden. Don’t you believe that the hundreds of thousands of union members took notice of what Biden did for this and other unions? Your boy hasn’t done shit for unions. He rather suck up to the less than 1% of our population who are the super rich. Biden represents the middle and lower classes not the super rich or bigots that troll Horseplop.

First of all you're not talking to some fucking loser gambler. UAW President support..Have you seen the Trump's rallies lately?

EV has ruined it for the FAMILIES of Michigan end of story. Tell me what Biden has done for the betterment of this country?? Making us dependent on foreign oil? Or perhaps letting all the illegals in that were paying for? What about inflation?  What about adding trillion to our deficit? Oh maybe it's his bullshit job number that came back from Covid? He's toast get over it my friend there's gonna be a new sheriff in town and his name is PRESIDENT Donald Trump
« Last Edit: March 08, 2024, 03:16:29 PM by Gaagoots »


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Re: Trump beats Nikki Haley in South Carolina GOP primary!!!
« Reply #77 on: March 08, 2024, 04:35:38 PM »
Trump lost by how many millions last time and these GOP nuts think he has a chance after all the shit since the last election they are dreaming.


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Re: Trump beats Nikki Haley in South Carolina GOP primary!!!
« Reply #78 on: March 08, 2024, 04:49:22 PM »
We will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it. ngc3
We will repeal and replace Obama Care  ngc3
Covfefe.  ngc3


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Re: Trump beats Nikki Haley in South Carolina GOP primary!!!
« Reply #79 on: March 08, 2024, 05:42:24 PM »
When you're so incredibly gullible mixed with chronic stupidity, all you can manage is to remember a few red rag site lies molded into talking points.
A new, multi billion dollar EV battery plant is being built in...Michigan. It will employ 1000s

We're dependent on foreign oil because we live in a mass consumerism society. At present, we're producing more oil than ever before.

A bill was put forth on a bipartisan level to address the border, but someone told GOP legislators to kill it because they didn't want it to be a win for the current administration.

Inflation was 9%; it's now at 3%. This is the lowest of all G7 nations by a wide margin. We got there without laying off 5% of the workforce as some economists suggested.  Inflation continues a downward trend.

25% of this nation's debt comes from the last administration...25% or nearly 8 TRILLION dollars!

Since 1989, there have been 57,000,000 jobs created. 95+% of those were under the Clinton, Obama, and Biden administrations.
95+% !
 I think the election will be close because too many people are uninformed, filled with hate,and wish it was 1956 again.
My vote will go to the candidate who isn't an adjudicated rapist, who didn't defame their victim, who isn't under federal indictment, or who is able to tell the difference between Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi.
I'm not Hush; we live in different states. Therefore, anyone saying so I wager $1,000 I'm not him. Any takers please set up escrow account for wager. You'll lose!


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Re: Trump beats Nikki Haley in South Carolina GOP primary!!!
« Reply #80 on: March 08, 2024, 08:35:09 PM »
What really makes me laugh is all the concern that VP Kamala Harris may be forced into taking over for Biden in his second term. Has anyone seen the crew lining up to run as Trump’s VP? One is a bigger loser than the next. Tim Scott’s tongue is so far up Trump’s butt it’s found his prostate.How about good old Marjorie Taylor Greene or Elise Stefanik two of the biggest lying assholes ever created. I won’t go on because you get my point. As bad as Trump is who he is considering to run with him may be worse.

Bitter Truth

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Re: Trump beats Nikki Haley in South Carolina GOP primary!!!
« Reply #81 on: March 08, 2024, 08:40:23 PM »
 What you say about Trump and his possible running mate may very well be true, BUT if you aren't concerned that Harris could become president, then 'YOU' really are delusional.


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Re: Trump beats Nikki Haley in South Carolina GOP primary!!!
« Reply #82 on: March 08, 2024, 10:26:48 PM »
I see all your comments please tell me what your mentor Biden has done for the good of our country? Have you been to a grocery store or a gas station lately?

People are fed up inflation is out of control the deficit is skyrocketing and we are now dependent on foreign oil thanks to this jackass. He's given billions to Ukraine what have we gotten back ?  You forget there was no war with President Trump.


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Re: Trump beats Nikki Haley in South Carolina GOP primary!!!
« Reply #83 on: March 08, 2024, 10:33:31 PM »
What really makes me laugh is all the concern that VP Kamala Harris may be forced into taking over for Biden in his second term. Has anyone seen the crew lining up to run as Trump’s VP? One is a bigger loser than the next. Tim Scott’s tongue is so far up Trump’s butt it’s found his prostate.How about good old Marjorie Taylor Greene or Elise Stefanik two of the biggest lying assholes ever created. I won’t go on because you get my point. As bad as Trump is who he is considering to run with him may be worse.

It just got worse for the orange mango. That housewife from Bama who gave that assinine GOP response last night was supposedly one of DT's aces in the hole to start getting middle class female voters back in his good graces. How did that work out. Will never see her on camera again ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 Guess he's stuck with feces licker Tim Scott or MTG, and MTG is the epitome of losses to follow.


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Re: Trump beats Nikki Haley in South Carolina GOP primary!!!
« Reply #84 on: March 09, 2024, 12:05:38 AM »
When Trump left office regular gasoline was $2.30 per gallon.  Now it is 40% HIGHER.  FACT!  When Trump left office, a mortgage on a $400,000 house, which is the national average, cost $1300 per month. Now it costs over $2100 per month. FACT! Since Trump left office, groceries for a family now cost over $210 more per month.  FACT!  The inflation rate of 3.2% now does not reduce the 9% increase from 2 years ago, making things over 12% higher to purchase vs. 2 years ago!  That increase is now PERMANENT, as prices will NOT lower back to pre-Biden inflation numbers.  You can hate Trump all you want, but people are going to vote based on the comparison of how their lives have changed the past 3 years under Biden rule.  Additionally, Biden is just as much a low-life as Trump is, so cut out this garbage basically calling him a saint, because he is not. POLICY issues will decide this election, and the border infestation is the number one issue on the table followed by the economy and crime. The country cannot survive 4 more years of Biden. He touted that the USA is a safe place just as the lunatic NO BAIL Governor of NY Hochul had to send national guard troops in to NYC to stop the subway crimes which occur on a daily basis! The jobs that Biden touts are just those that returned to work after the pandemic ended. As Gordon Gekko said to Bud Fox in Wall Street, "its all about the bucks kid.....the rest is just conversation".
« Last Edit: March 09, 2024, 01:01:32 AM by wizardofoz »


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Re: Trump beats Nikki Haley in South Carolina GOP primary!!!
« Reply #85 on: March 09, 2024, 03:55:53 AM »
I am just amazed at the fools who have sent the Trump campaign tons of money only to find out it was used to pay his stable of lawyers. How stupid you must feel even though you supporters won’t comment about this. Now he puts his daughter-in-law in charge of the NRC to siphon even more money to pay his lawyers. For even one minute do you think Trump would ever help you? Look at all his main supporters and lawyers going broke defending his lies and crimes. How much has Trump given them to pay their legal bills? How does “Zero” sound to you? You don’t have to like Biden but this isn’t the point is it? The point is you Trumpers have been suckered into one of biggest scams in our political history and the cult never seems to get it. For us Never Trumpers we can only pray Biden wins. It will be pure entertainment and revenge to watch the courts destroy Trump when he won’t have the Office of the Prsidency to protect his fat ass.


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Re: Trump beats Nikki Haley in South Carolina GOP primary!!!
« Reply #86 on: March 09, 2024, 04:38:56 AM »
Here are a few facts affecting me since Biden took office,
My auto insurance doubled.
My monthly electric bill doubled.
My natural gas bill has gone up 50 pct.
My grocery bill has roughly doubled.
Property taxes have seen a major jump.
Medical plan cost have gone dramatically up.
In Dec/2020 gasoline in my area was 2.27, now it fluctuates well above 3.00
I know I am probably forgetting a few. All this happened in 3 years.
Everyone I know has a similar experience.
I am pretty sure this election will be decided on kitchen table issues, not the garbage I heard coming out of Bidens mouth at the State of the union speech.


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Re: Trump beats Nikki Haley in South Carolina GOP primary!!!
« Reply #87 on: March 09, 2024, 05:27:28 AM »
I will not argue what has happened to your cost of living. At the same time if you own your home and have money invested in the stock market you have more than offset the inflation issue. However I recognize many, many people do not have significant assets and live paycheck to paycheck. But here are the facts like it or not. Trump did nothing for the people who are struggling now. Biden concentrates on helping the lower and middle classes. Trump made the rich much richer yet the people who are struggling like him. It makes my head spin. Trump made our national debt much larger than Biden and I submit that this alone caused a lot of the inflation of recent years. We will see what the mass of voters believe in November.


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Re: Trump beats Nikki Haley in South Carolina GOP primary!!!
« Reply #88 on: March 09, 2024, 07:33:41 AM »
Since Covid which Trump lied about the prices of every thing has gone up all over the world but the U.S. still has the lowest prices compared to other counties it is not as bad as you think talk about money good old Steve stole all the Wall money and when he got charged good old Trump pardon him great team.

Brown jug

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Re: Trump beats Nikki Haley in South Carolina GOP primary!!!
« Reply #89 on: March 09, 2024, 09:29:34 AM »
some of you do not understand inflation and how it works
you say it was 9% and now it is 3%, great so prices continue to rise just more slowly
when if ever do prices go back down
dont deal with % bullshit just deal with actual facts of how much your dollars buy today versus the past
talk to real people and ask them after paying for groceries  and cloths and rent and gas if they have any money left ...nope


shout out

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