Author Topic: GOSH,do me have a lot to say  (Read 1542 times)

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GOSH,do me have a lot to say
« on: December 05, 2024, 05:29:52 PM »
I'll start with this one.
The Daniel Penny trial. It takin a long time to reach a decision.
And lets hope that the jurors are honest and ain't watcin FOX, because they spend their time tryin to sway.
I gots to say: It a interisting case. MEMBER: GEORGE FLOYD. Cops all go to PRISON for over-doin. Thay say at time that FLOYD actuall expierd from a overdose of FENTANLY that no other human would have been capable of takin without croakin. But he had a tolerance. COPS convicted.
It do seem that PENNY did the right thin. Yet you got this drugged up pathetic moron screamin all kinds of SHIT. Yet he not physically approachin individuals with his threats.
He wasted on DRUGS. Which most likely makes him harmless. Most people would laugh it off,especially one that served. I might mention. When in service you see SHIT like this at times. And you laugh and calm the individual down. Next day,the guy who was out of his mind goes. What the FUC did I do.
So did PENNY over-react. Me gut say's he did right thin. Yet he had others helpin out and he pushed it TOO FAR. He should have known what it takes to calm individual down. He overceded that. Me quess is,PENNY will be found guilty on the lesser charge and get probation.
You all member the guy years ago on NY sub. Too many gangs goin BAT SHIT. He decided to defend himself if he approched. And they did. He pulled out a pistol and killed 2 of them.He was aquitted. Don't know why this is takin so long. But the OLD BAG JUDGE on the 5,is plaing the innocent as usual. She stated this decision will come down in one hour. NOT GUILTY. What a FUC,this FUCKIN WITCH is. She needs to be locked up in CONGO.


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Re: GOSH,do me have a lot to say
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2024, 05:37:01 PM »
So's JOHN FRANK ARMY just gonna say this: Penny( REminds me of STEVE MCQUEEN in that poker movie and went outside and lost to the kid) should not have done this interview with the UGLY SHIT who should be in the play "WIZARDS". The guy gets found NOT GUILTY and then proceeds to a BAR to down cocktails. Was it OJ and lawlers who did same or was it CASEY ANTHONY and her troup that did same. That a bad IMAGE. And then to go on with THE UGLY WITCH. Who claims she has the SCOOP. She goin PENNY not take stand and I get what he would have said on STAND.

ANYONE else get this about this FUCKIN WITCH. Her LIPOSUCTION LIPS. Do they look more like a ZEBRA'S or ORANGUTAN.
Talkin about ZEBRA'S. They like showin their BUCK TEETH. Is LAURA INGRAM,from that animal family.


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Re: GOSH,do me have a lot to say
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2024, 12:29:53 PM »
I'll start with this one.
The Daniel Penny trial. It takin a long time to reach a decision.
And lets hope that the jurors are honest and ain't watcin FOX, because they spend their time tryin to sway.
I gots to say: It a interisting case. MEMBER: GEORGE FLOYD. Cops all go to PRISON for over-doin. Thay say at time that FLOYD actuall expierd from a overdose of FENTANLY that no other human would have been capable of takin without croakin. But he had a tolerance. COPS convicted.
It do seem that PENNY did the right thin. Yet you got this drugged up pathetic moron screamin all kinds of SHIT. Yet he not physically approachin individuals with his threats.
He wasted on DRUGS. Which most likely makes him harmless. Most people would laugh it off,especially one that served. I might mention. When in service you see SHIT like this at times. And you laugh and calm the individual down. Next day,the guy who was out of his mind goes. What the FUC did I do.
So did PENNY over-react. Me gut say's he did right thin. Yet he had others helpin out and he pushed it TOO FAR. He should have known what it takes to calm individual down. He overceded that. Me quess is,PENNY will be found guilty on the lesser charge and get probation.
You all member the guy years ago on NY sub. Too many gangs goin BAT SHIT. He decided to defend himself if he approched. And they did. He pulled out a pistol and killed 2 of them.He was aquitted. Don't know why this is takin so long. But the OLD BAG JUDGE on the 5,is plaing the innocent as usual. She stated this decision will come down in one hour. NOT GUILTY. What a FUC,this FUCKIN WITCH is. She needs to be locked up in CONGO.

The guy that Penny restrained on that subway car was arrested 42 prior times including fracturing the orbital bone of a 65 year old lady, harmless?


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Re: GOSH,do me have a lot to say
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2024, 01:43:19 PM »
OK. I'll give that.
I'm sure everyone on that subway car,includin PENNY was aware of that. These are facts after the fact. If everyone in USA,was to be arrested for being HIGH,that would most likly be 200 million peoples. Some can handle,some can't. And if DRAFT DODGER were given RANDOM DRUG tests,he be one of those in jail along with his wonderful son,JR.


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Re: GOSH,do me have a lot to say
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2024, 02:29:59 PM »
Come on John.  "These are facts after the fact."

It didn't take a genius or an arrest record to understand this guy was a threat to safety.

"Jordan Neely was on board the train, and witnesses said he was shouting about needing food and something to drink before whipping his jacket to the floor and starting to scream."

Penney took an opportunity to subdue him, before he had a chance to hurt someone.

The thing I question is, couldn't Penney feel that the Neely had gone limp at some point?


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Re: GOSH,do me have a lot to say
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2024, 06:36:13 PM »
i'll say this: Back when me in Basic you taught to subdue and I guess KILL if necessary. That why at any exercise you has to scream: KILL,KILL,KILL.
I was ARMY. I got a BUD of mine that got drafted 2 years before me. Known JERRY for 50 years. He happened to be one,that went to induction center thinkin he gonna be ARMY. Marine Officer walks thru those present and pics out about 4. The Officer goes: YOU FUCS are now MARINES. I had not talked to him in about 2 years. He relates his experience in MARINES. He went in,1966. ARMY was rough but MARINES were rougher. But over years because of deaths in BASIC,both branches calmed down their trainin. Back then,weeese were bein trained to survive and demolish our enemy. And surviving meant to KILL your opponent and come back alive. Later years softeen up as training became no where strict.
And I might add one more thin,which maybe those that never served not understand. JERRY and I were REGULARS. He in MARINES and I in ARMY. That mean 24 hour 7.
In our time,RESERVES and NATIONAL GUARD STAYED at home. They not goin anywhere,but back to their LOVED ones.
So,the DRAFT ended. SOMEONES had to fill the GAP. NATIONAL GUARD became the UNIT. But lets understand this SHIT. These GUYS and GIRLS ain't 24-7. They at home and must go once a week to a mettin and once a month for supposidly a 2 day weekend which is usually called off after first day. Then they have to spend a 2 week period in summer trainin at some abandoned military outpost in USA. And that mostly a DRUNKEN 2 week affair. And these individuals get to keep their civilian jops as companies can not FIRE. And then their UNITS can be deployed for a 6 month period overseas. And MEEESSSEES,JOHN FRANK ARMY gonna add this: These individuals are totally unprepared for COMBAT. Soooees when you see peopppless like TATOO, TELSI, and others that brag about experiences,they not know. And they not REGULARS, they PART TIMERS. And all these REBUBLICAN SHITS and so did WALZE, have no idea what everyday REGULARS go thru.


shout out

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