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Trump in a landslide 🇺🇸
I laugh every time I see the old inject bleach line.. He never TOLD anyone to do anything.. He suggested an injection could be formulated with a sanitizing agent... A lot of you horsemen do that to your horses all the time... It's called DMSO and has been used in humans for some issues such as Crohns disease.. Do some research
1- raped E.Jean Carroll in a NYC department store.----- he never raped her. she is fucking bat shit crazy. she says rape i sexual and fantasizes about it. who goes into a dressing room with someone they dont know?2 - led a failed insurrection to overturn the 2020 election and transfer of power----- it wasnt an insurrection3- stole government secrets and shared those secrets with others. -----who did he share them with and can you see what he was sharing on the recording?4 - paid hush money to a porn star to influence the 2016 election---- he paid legal retainer to cohen. cohen paid the hooker. it was to protect his family and embarrasment.5 - no family in American history has taken more money from foreign countries. ------ they have been in world wide business well before he went into office. is that suppose to stop? the people wanted him in office. he did what the people wanted.6 - committed egregious bank fraud and was convicted for the crime------victimless crime. the banks love trump and would do business again. is jon stewart indicted yet?its all a witch hunt and election interference. they are deathly afraid he will win again. they have been after him for 8 plus yrs and he keepos dodging these bullets. whats the rush to get all these trials over with before the election? why not take your time and make sure shits done right? oh because they need this to go down to influence the election. thats right. they need to be able to say seee look this guy is guilty. so rush rush rush by any means necesary.[M/quote]Didn't Donna Karan come out and say that the dress E Jean claims she was wearing when she was allegedly SA, that the dress hadn't even been designed at the time of E Jeans claim?Also, E Jean has accused at 7 men of raping her....
you liberal fuck
You are correct. Biden is a piece of shit parasite that's never had a job. He's lived off the government. Trump was one of the best presidents this country has had. Maybe we should have Pelosi working on getting our deficit down. She's had a ton of insider trading information and seems to be making money hand over fist. Nothing illegal about that apparently. Biden's been a fuck off all of his life. Poopy Pants NEVER would have become president without Soros' money and the gay liberal media cuddling him and covering up for every blunder he makes. They won't even let him debate because they know how big of a dumbass he is. The guy is a laughing stock worldwide and no-one wants to meet with him. Media never likes to show the huge crowds that show up for Trump.
HEY BLOCK. And I usin BLOCK Because I ain't sure if you TRANSGENDER. But I will say this: YOU are one SICK MAGA FUC.
you are EVERYTHING that is wrong with this country. You're a hillbilly piece of trash who doesn't even know he's alive. 14 million unemployed; worst jobs record since Herbert HooverTold people to inject bleachRan up a $7,000,000,000,000 ...yup TRILLION in national debt.Banned people from entering the United States just because they were Muslim. Lost the GOP the Senate and the House; then lost his own election by 7,000,000+ votesWhatever drugs you're on, take them somewhere else...like Russia. Putin will be waiting for you to him
Just asking...The national debt is now $34,701,789,852,425 at the moment I typed this. It was 20 1/2 Trillion in 2016. Do some simple math. How much has the debt increased since Biden? And it's only May.
So your labor cost are up 22% and food cost are up 22% and you are making more money without raising prices? I guess maybe if you are severely undercutting the other BK’s in the area that might help but not sure it could make up 44% raise in expenses. And don’t believe BK corporate would stand for you undercutting everyone else