Author Topic: Nikki HALEY goin backwards on responses.  (Read 1608 times)

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Nikki HALEY goin backwards on responses.
« on: December 29, 2023, 03:17:56 PM »
SOUTH CAROLINA girl who,s parents immigrated form INDIA or where ever. Switches from HINDU to EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN. She must like HENRY.
SHE NOOS she got to back up her cliieteel HOG HUNTERS in SOUTH CAROLINA. They,s dupposidly got the SOUTHERN HERITAGE. The REBEL FLAG prevails. So when asked question WHAT SYARTED CIVIL WAR,she can't explain. She can ,but won't. She not want to upset MAGA. As A candidate runnin against the FAT SLOP LYIN DRAFT DODER: HERE,S what she should have said. DONALD the DRAFT DODGIN FUC uses SLAVERY today. HE EMPLOYS SLAVES to work for HIM and pays them NUTIN.Instead she skirts iddue. OH we know longer have SLAVES. ASK DONALD. And then the 9 year old who inyellectually above his time asks her. Why YOU double takeon your judgement of DONALD. WOULD you PARDON HIM if you became PRESISENT. She not hesitate. YES I WOULD.
Funny how that worked out a day later. She accussin a DEM plant for askin a simple question about SLAVERY which she refused to answer. Then the next day a nine year old REB plant kinD asks question and she smart mug gives thee answer. YA can see why she not goin win anythin. She won't STAND UP against TRUMP. BRING on CHRISTIE who will. No chance ,but as long as he stays in,everyone gonna hear about the ROTTON FILTH,LYIN,DRAFT DODGIN FAT SLOP,DONALD the WOMEN MOLESTER, PURVEYOR of STOLEN DOCUMENTS. INNSURRECTIONIST. And the FATEST SLOP ON PLANET.


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Re: Nikki HALEY goin backwards on responses.
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2024, 02:53:22 PM »
Her bullshit speech was just for her supporters that send her money. Nobody’s going to beat Trump.


shout out

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