Author Topic: Reasons why mike potrelli has zero credibility liar liar  (Read 6453 times)

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Re: Reasons why mike potrelli has zero credibility liar liar
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2023, 02:39:08 PM »
At first I applauded SCM as I thought he was trying to help our Industry--how wrong I was.
SCM IMHO--is part of the problem in Harness racing--he is NOT working in its best interests.In fact its the opposite.
This abject failure in training a horse--now has found new fame by continuing in the path of many in the Industry to Just use hearsay-to get the most rise out of people. The juicier the he is a Hater especially to those he believes were the cause of his now shitty plight..
Instead of laying out facts-clear indisputable FACTs--ie would stand up in any Court of Law---no--- he just points a finger -he just lambasts people in the Industry-with "what he Heard" WTF!!!! " I spoke to someone" I got a phone call" etc etc
He is not short on material--because bust outs like him-(haters) -abound in the Industry---all with Chips on their shoulder--and anyone doing well--is a cheat--because hey " I'm great and I couldn't do it--so they must be juicers and cheaters"
Thank you SCM-for not posting any more owing to the fact that some ploppers have woken up to this phoney..


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Re: Reasons why mike potrelli has zero credibility liar liar
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2023, 03:19:40 PM »
At first I applauded SCM as I thought he was trying to help our Industry--how wrong I was.
SCM IMHO--is part of the problem in Harness racing--he is NOT working in its best interests.In fact its the opposite.
This abject failure in training a horse--now has found new fame by continuing in the path of many in the Industry to Just use hearsay-to get the most rise out of people. The juicier the he is a Hater especially to those he believes were the cause of his now shitty plight..
Instead of laying out facts-clear indisputable FACTs--ie would stand up in any Court of Law---no--- he just points a finger -he just lambasts people in the Industry-with "what he Heard" WTF!!!! " I spoke to someone" I got a phone call" etc etc
He is not short on material--because bust outs like him-(haters) -abound in the Industry---all with Chips on their shoulder--and anyone doing well--is a cheat--because hey " I'm great and I couldn't do it--so they must be juicers and cheaters"
Thank you SCM-for not posting any more owing to the fact that some ploppers have woken up to this phoney..

I can't spot anything that you said that was wrong. Using backstretch rumors and innuendo against people he hates with no idea if its true or not. Telling the breeder of World of Secrets that he died from bleeding out without actually knowing if that's what happened is beyond disturbing.


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Re: Reasons why mike potrelli has zero credibility liar liar
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2023, 11:04:26 PM »
At first I applauded SCM as I thought he was trying to help our Industry--how wrong I was.
SCM IMHO--is part of the problem in Harness racing--he is NOT working in its best interests.In fact its the opposite.
This abject failure in training a horse--now has found new fame by continuing in the path of many in the Industry to Just use hearsay-to get the most rise out of people. The juicier the he is a Hater especially to those he believes were the cause of his now shitty plight..
Instead of laying out facts-clear indisputable FACTs--ie would stand up in any Court of Law---no--- he just points a finger -he just lambasts people in the Industry-with "what he Heard" WTF!!!! " I spoke to someone" I got a phone call" etc etc
He is not short on material--because bust outs like him-(haters) -abound in the Industry---all with Chips on their shoulder--and anyone doing well--is a cheat--because hey " I'm great and I couldn't do it--so they must be juicers and cheaters"
Thank you SCM-for not posting any more owing to the fact that some ploppers have woken up to this phoney..
Horseplop made SCM famous and every time he posts on here he takes a bitch slap at every turn. He knows better than to try and post here.


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Re: Reasons why mike potrelli has zero credibility liar liar
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2023, 11:53:38 PM »
Just like the bitch you are. I post and you come running on every thread about me. Sorry, the answer is no. You are not worthy of my attention. Way out of your league. Stick with the mighty mites.
Get your ass of this forum pal before harness racer and other good posters bitch slap your old ass into the nursing home where you belong old man. Leave horseplop to the pros. You know what happened before when they busted you out and you took off with your tail between your legs don’t come back on plop if you know what’s good for you. These guys make you look like the fool that you are. Bye bye SCM


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Re: Reasons why mike potrelli has zero credibility liar liar
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2023, 12:45:53 AM »
Dangerous for the sport ?? Yes if you want it to continue down the road it has been going ..

I should have made myself more clear. Dangerous for the sport for those who are supposedly running it because for all those that rant that he’s has no credibility I’d have to disagree as he seem to have proof and invites the names he’s mentioning to come after him. That and I hear about his slanderous comments, the guy has a bullseye in his back therefore no way he is going to say this stuff without proof. 
I guess I just don’t get how this forum is always about the scum that are cheating, using drugs etc. yet someone starts exposing people he gets railed on. Again I don’t care and actually never heard of him before recently but I can tell you the people who can take the money from this sport are loving and are listening and they believe he’s credible. Bottom line is he’s thrown out names now those have bigger fish looking into them.


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Re: Reasons why mike potrelli has zero credibility liar liar
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2023, 12:54:11 AM »
I should have made myself more clear. Dangerous for the sport for those who are supposedly running it because for all those that rant that he’s has no credibility I’d have to disagree as he seem to have proof and invites the names he’s mentioning to come after him. That and I hear about his slanderous comments, the guy has a bullseye in his back therefore no way he is going to say this stuff without proof. 
I guess I just don’t get how this forum is always about the scum that are cheating, using drugs etc. yet someone starts exposing people he gets railed on. Again I don’t care and actually never heard of him before recently but I can tell you the people who can take the money from this sport are loving and are listening and they believe he’s credible. Bottom line is he’s thrown out names now those have bigger fish looking into them.
Why didn’t he do it when he was an active groom in the business? Because he is just as bad as the people he is busting out. Why don’t you address the timing of SCM talking now that he is thrown out of Goshen?


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Re: Reasons why mike potrelli has zero credibility liar liar
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2023, 05:28:05 AM »
God forbid I defend the guy. But, he actually doesn’t run from the fact it all started with the Goshen. So that line of questioning is a waste of time.
Just so you know…..I’ve been blocked from his Facebook pages for calling him out a couple times.
Reread It

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Re: Reasons why mike potrelli has zero credibility liar liar
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2023, 06:44:09 AM »
Hard to say what the actual facts.  I'm sure there are some facts here, but I'm sure they are slanted to fit SCM's agenda.  Someone with an axe to grind usually distorts the facts a little, whether intentional or not.  He has it out for Jones and Ford, so can he be objective?  I doubt it.  Is Jones at all to blame for this horse?  Probably.  But why the free pass to Fannin?  I'm sure some blame should be given to  him also.  This is why people question his credibility.  He claims he never abused/killed a horse during his training days.  This may be true, who knows.  But you can't tell me he never witnessed it happen.  Why did he keep quiet then?  And why does he refuse to address this.  People can change I guess, but don't act like you didn't look the other way for a long time.  You bust out and get tossed from Goshen and now all of a sudden you are the world biggest crusader for horses.  Seems a little suspect SCM and you just keep deflecting and blaming others for things.  They are 100% guilty and pieces of shit if what you say is true...but you are guilty too if you let others slide for years until just recently.


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Re: Reasons why mike potrelli has zero credibility liar liar
« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2023, 08:06:10 PM »
Hard to say what the actual facts.  I'm sure there are some facts here, but I'm sure they are slanted to fit SCM's agenda.  Someone with an axe to grind usually distorts the facts a little, whether intentional or not.  He has it out for Jones and Ford, so can he be objective?  I doubt it.  Is Jones at all to blame for this horse?  Probably.  But why the free pass to Fannin?  I'm sure some blame should be given to  him also.  This is why people question his credibility.  He claims he never abused/killed a horse during his training days.  This may be true, who knows.  But you can't tell me he never witnessed it happen.  Why did he keep quiet then?  And why does he refuse to address this.  People can change I guess, but don't act like you didn't look the other way for a long time.  You bust out and get tossed from Goshen and now all of a sudden you are the world biggest crusader for horses.  Seems a little suspect SCM and you just keep deflecting and blaming others for things.  They are 100% guilty and pieces of shit if what you say is true...but you are guilty too if you let others slide for years until just recently.
Amen harness racer.  Thank you thank you thank you! SCM was a groom for 30 years and watched these cheats abuse and torture animals and turned a blind eye......... until he got thrown out of Goshen. Then he suddenly found his conscience. SCM is an accomplice to all of this bullshit and he knows it. And by the way, don’t expect for SCM to address why he waited 30 years to speak up.  The problem SCM now has is nobody wants to even talk to him because he is recording everyone for fear of getting his ass beat.

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Re: Reasons why mike potrelli has zero credibility liar liar
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2023, 07:59:00 PM »
I'm not sure he's scared of getting his ass beat as he has claimed he's the toughest senior at the assisted living facility.  ngc3  Seriously though, SCM makes some good points, but he has no credibility with me due to his slanted views and being out to get certain people.  There are tons of pieces of garbage in this business.  Including some he's related to.  But no mention of them other than him congratulating his shady, fat nephew!


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Re: Reasons why mike potrelli has zero credibility liar liar
« Reply #25 on: February 28, 2023, 09:45:15 AM »
I'm not sure he's scared of getting his ass beat as he has claimed he's the toughest senior at the assisted living facility.  ngc3  Seriously though, SCM makes some good points, but he has no credibility with me due to his slanted views and being out to get certain people.  There are tons of pieces of garbage in this business.  Including some he's related to.  But no mention of them other than him congratulating his shady, fat nephew!

ferdinand the bull

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Re: Reasons why mike potrelli has zero credibility liar liar
« Reply #26 on: February 28, 2023, 09:54:40 AM »
There's some truth to what he says, just too many coincidentals to be all made up

ferdinand the bull

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Re: Reasons why mike potrelli has zero credibility liar liar
« Reply #27 on: February 28, 2023, 09:58:43 AM »
What if Ford was the distributor,  makes senses,trainers stabled there, many shippers lay over at his farm, prime location


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Re: Reasons why mike potrelli has zero credibility liar liar
« Reply #28 on: February 28, 2023, 10:53:47 AM »
There's some truth to what he says, just too many coincidentals to be all made up

This guy is definitely shielded by his positions in the usta and New Jersey. I’ve asked around. Most people won’t say anything for fear of him manipulating and threatening them with losing theyre ability to work and earn in the business. He’s sheltered beards at his farm with full knowlege even right now. Housed Josh Marks at his farm and I’m hearing that guy even took horses for him to train and no names changed on any paperwork. He’s been sued by the government and by a neighbor. There’s just too many red flags on this Ford for nothing to be true.

ferdinand the bull

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Re: Reasons why mike potrelli has zero credibility liar liar
« Reply #29 on: February 28, 2023, 11:34:16 AM »
An abuse of power


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