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« Last post by wizardofoz on Today at 10:04:17 AM »
Today's humor, courtesy of the bloated, orange goof:
On Fox & Frauleins, Trump was so incoherent they had to edit/splice a ton of his nonsense. However, the best part on tape was Trump saying he never said "lock her up" re: Hillary.  ngc3 ngc3 ngc3
He said it hundreds of times in 2015-2016, again in 2020, and even every now and again these days...right up until his 34 convictions.  ngc3 ngc3
How much longer are you MAGA types going to let him lie to even you?
Does this bronzed hippo ever tell the truth?  11.wp
FIX-IT, you STILL don't get it. The crux of this election is NOT the candidates! It is the ISSUES affecting the country! Biden's tenure is a detriment to a lot of Americans vs. the 4 years that Trump was in office. If you believe that a ridiculous book keeping issue will amount to anything, have had it. The messengers are NOT the reason people will vote one way of another.  Crime, inflation, wars, woke lunacy, defunding police, etc., will define the result. Wait and see.  34 counts were the same thing 34 times to make it look more ominous than it is.  This judge might still put Trump in Rikers Island under Soros orders which will 100% win him the election as this sham trial will be further exposed for what is was--a low level misdemeanor given to a jury of Trump haters who spent only 10 hours reviewing thousands of pages of documents overseen by a radical Trump hating judge whose case will be overturned once it gets to the Supreme Court. Joy Behar "leaked" upon the conviction. what will she do when trump wins the election? Mass suicides?
« Last post by Mr. Fix-It on Today at 10:00:03 AM »
Left-wing ABC/IPSOS Stephanopoulos poll TODAY: Almost half of Americans also believe that the charges were politically motivated, and perceptions of Donald Trump (and Joe Biden) are statistically UNCHANGED from before the verdict was announced, suggesting minimal changes in how Americans feel about the two presidential candidates....... FACT!
if you're OK with a FELON leading the US, then you really need to quit drinking the MAGA Kool-aid.
Oh...15% of GOP voters say they can no longer support the presumptive nominee; that would be Trump.
« Last post by wizardofoz on Today at 09:53:07 AM »
Left-wing ABC/IPSOS Stephanopoulos poll TODAY: Almost half of Americans also believe that the charges were politically motivated, and perceptions of Donald Trump (and Joe Biden) are statistically UNCHANGED from before the verdict was announced, suggesting minimal changes in how Americans feel about the two presidential candidates....... FACT!
Harness Racing / Re: Aaron Merriman is awful
« Last post by Miguel_Sanchez on Today at 09:48:41 AM »
Damn I love these hypotheticals. If the others could they would, but they don't so we are left with the only one that can and will-Aaron.

Aaron has no life.  He's a methodical robot.  Wake up 9am drive to meadows and drive all afternoon.  eat in the paddock.  Hop back in car drive to northfield drive all night.  get home midnight.  shower bang some track ho and sleep.  wake up repeat.  most top drivers have a family / a life / and don't wanna be in a car 4hrs a day.
Some of them can't leave. If the horse only has one good move in him, doesn't matter how you train him, that's how it is. He will pick up checks if he can rocket home. But the real good ones have more than one move in them. Maybe be doesn't.

I agree 100% with that.  He showed the weakness last yr not being able to get into good spot.  coming a big back half only means you walked the first half and didn't get yourself into position.  It's just a way to make the owners feel good "he came back half in 53- so he's a gorilla! LOL problem is he went his first half in 57-  Don't mean jack squat when the race goes 49.3 and your no where close at the half.
Harness Racing / Re: Captains Quarters is a NO GO!
« Last post by Miguel_Sanchez on Today at 09:40:45 AM »
and Jody Jamison looks more suited to play for the CFL than drive a horse.  Those driving suits made by Tall & Fat?
« Last post by Miguel_Sanchez on Today at 09:39:07 AM »
I guess if you tell people they are donating there money for entertainment it's ok?
« Last post by Mr. Fix-It on Today at 09:38:55 AM »
Today's humor, courtesy of the bloated, orange goof:
On Fox & Frauleins, Trump was so incoherent they had to edit/splice a ton of his nonsense. However, the best part on tape was Trump saying he never said "lock her up" re: Hillary.  ngc3 ngc3 ngc3
He said it hundreds of times in 2015-2016, again in 2020, and even every now and again these days...right up until his 34 convictions.  ngc3 ngc3
How much longer are you MAGA types going to let him lie to even you?
Does this bronzed hippo ever tell the truth?  11.wp
I don;t call this a trible crown. Maybe in 2 years again.
Surprixed CHURCHILL and KARDASHIAN did not SCREAM: Bring the BELMONT here. We will run it at mile and 1/2.
Which brings me to this. I gets you people are STANDARDS,but CHURCHILL and their DERBY DAY has 0 attendence. BURN THE FUCKIN DUMP DOWN.

And maybe the trible should do like CANADA]S . Make the last race GRASS.
Harness Racing / Re: Ladbrokes "Slot" Drivers' Competition
« Last post by Meadow Ford on Today at 09:18:01 AM »
Now if I (we) only knew what you were posting about, or where to go to find out what you are posting about.
A little help please.
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