Author Topic: SO'S JOHN FRANK ARMY spends today defyin a TB TOURNAMENT.  (Read 3411 times)

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SO'S JOHN FRANK ARMY spends today defyin a TB TOURNAMENT.
« on: February 19, 2022, 05:31:31 PM »
So's JOHN FRANK ARMY likes playin in free TOURNEYS. In 2020 he won $5500.00 in free shit. SOOO HAWTHORNE runnin a free one today which lasts a while.
20 races and select a pony in each race over the weekends. $20.00 Win,Place mythical.
(1) So'S JOHN FRANK ARMY signs up. Or so he thought. You must play on computer and select a Hawthorne OTB that you would like to represent. Mine was Hoffman Estates. Then when he registers,HAWTHORNE says you must have a CELL PHONE to play.
JOHN FRANK ARMY don't have one. I won't tell you what we used in NAM,but it not PIGIONS. When ME a boy SCOUT years ago we learned smoke signals and mirrors.
HAWTHORNE tellin me YOU CAN'T play without sopisticated CELL PHONE. JOHN FRANK ARMY goes: WE will see about that!. I'M all day long gettin that changed. Since the whole fuckin tourney is based on INTERNET. And us OLD people don't give a RATS ASS about phone APPS. It took a round about 3 hours to get me in. But I'M in. CAUSE,JOHN FRANK ARMY would have QUESTIONED the legitimacy of the TOURNEY. OLD FUCS without CELLS NOT ALLOWED.
(2)So JOHN FRANK ARMY started out today at SADDLE ROOM in HOFFMAN EASTATES to clarify things. They spent 15 minutes gettin me cleared. I went and sat at sunkin bar with my friend JAY to have a few beers. There were 50 people in area. We looked and saw no one else drinkin booze. Cheap fuc HORSEPLAYERS. A 12 OZ beer was $5.50. We had between us 6. I paid and gave the tender $40.00. When it come to drinkin,no price is too much,although left after 3.
(3) Went home and used info that tellers gave me to play in tourney. DID not WORK. NOW I'M pissed. So's I call the SADDLE horseracin and they know I'VE been complaining about injustice. They make 2 calls to make sure I can compete. JOHN FRANK ARMY allowed in with 45 minutes to go.
(4) YA know. I feel bad for other older that can't participate. Maybe with my threats,HAWTHORNE will redo rules startin next week.
(5) But MEMBER one THIN. Whoever you may be. Never FUC with a FRANK,especially one called JOHN FRANK ARMY.


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Re: SO'S JOHN FRANK ARMY spends today defyin a TB TOURNAMENT.
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2022, 03:39:26 PM »
Mr. Army, it is 2022, how is that you do not have a cell phone, maybe even a Jitterbug for senior citizens?  Come on, you can do it.


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Re: SO'S JOHN FRANK ARMY spends today defyin a TB TOURNAMENT.
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2022, 05:11:07 PM »
So's JOHN FRANK ARMY likes playin in free TOURNEYS. In 2020 he won $5500.00 in free shit. SOOO HAWTHORNE runnin a free one today which lasts a while.
20 races and select a pony in each race over the weekends. $20.00 Win,Place mythical.
(1) So'S JOHN FRANK ARMY signs up. Or so he thought. You must play on computer and select a Hawthorne OTB that you would like to represent. Mine was Hoffman Estates. Then when he registers,HAWTHORNE says you must have a CELL PHONE to play.
JOHN FRANK ARMY don't have one. I won't tell you what we used in NAM,but it not PIGIONS. When ME a boy SCOUT years ago we learned smoke signals and mirrors.
HAWTHORNE tellin me YOU CAN'T play without sopisticated CELL PHONE. JOHN FRANK ARMY goes: WE will see about that!. I'M all day long gettin that changed. Since the whole fuckin tourney is based on INTERNET. And us OLD people don't give a RATS ASS about phone APPS. It took a round about 3 hours to get me in. But I'M in. CAUSE,JOHN FRANK ARMY would have QUESTIONED the legitimacy of the TOURNEY. OLD FUCS without CELLS NOT ALLOWED.
(2)So JOHN FRANK ARMY started out today at SADDLE ROOM in HOFFMAN EASTATES to clarify things. They spent 15 minutes gettin me cleared. I went and sat at sunkin bar with my friend JAY to have a few beers. There were 50 people in area. We looked and saw no one else drinkin booze. Cheap fuc HORSEPLAYERS. A 12 OZ beer was $5.50. We had between us 6. I paid and gave the tender $40.00. When it come to drinkin,no price is too much,although left after 3.
(3) Went home and used info that tellers gave me to play in tourney. DID not WORK. NOW I'M pissed. So's I call the SADDLE horseracin and they know I'VE been complaining about injustice. They make 2 calls to make sure I can compete. JOHN FRANK ARMY allowed in with 45 minutes to go.
(4) YA know. I feel bad for other older that can't participate. Maybe with my threats,HAWTHORNE will redo rules startin next week.
(5) But MEMBER one THIN. Whoever you may be. Never FUC with a FRANK,especially one called JOHN FRANK ARMY.

I often rib old Frankfurter and the cellie topic almost looks like on a tee and ready to give old fella a big old 'time machine' put down.  But - But, in this rarest of rare cases / I'm on his side, yep * me and Sister Hairy Moustache, - Franklin is being discriminated on.  In this woke 2022, whereby ain't no discriminatorie allowed .. he and others w/o a phone should be able to participate.  as a matter of fact, ticketmaster and ProSports are discrimiating on non cell folk by trying to make entry tickets digi only.  That's unfair!  they need to provide a hard ticket - otherwise, what about when the phone is dead and now you cannot enter the event?  I was at a college game last week and a guy w/ a crap cell could not present the ticket on the screen.  The line kept getting longer and longer and finally his 90 YO Mom tried to help, which made it worse.  Eventually, they waved him thru - it is a modernitical that is imperfect and until everyone is equal, it's not a good program.


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Re: SO'S JOHN FRANK ARMY spends today defyin a TB TOURNAMENT.
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2022, 08:31:08 AM »
Than you can have the guy signing up on his wife and kids phones to play many multiples.  I signed up and had my old phone number in there so when they wanted to verify  the sign up code it would not go to my new number and I could not find a way to change phone number after i already signed up.  F___ your phone sign up crapola and contest.


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Re: SO'S JOHN FRANK ARMY spends today defyin a TB TOURNAMENT.
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2022, 03:44:06 PM »
JOHN FRANK ARMY just want to respond a little bit.
When JOHN FRANK ARMY younger he did it all. That before CELLS. No one worried what would happen. Ya see I'M 75 and from a far different period. Doors left unlocked,keys left in cars. Telephones were everywhere. Not out in wilderness but that OK. I spent a lot of time hikin where no man did before. And a individual learned how to take care. Not nowadays. ASSHOLES think they can go anywhere and can call for help. Not the case. They the dump fucs who croak.
But I'M older now. I don't do shit like I did younger. He knows that he's done what other older might want to do now. they could not because of job or kids and mortgages. JOHN FRANK ARMY never had to worry about that SHIT. You do everythin while you young,healthy,vigorious. Ya know when you older you not gonna be able to do it.
(1) One of the nicest thins I ever did. I was headed out to VEGAS drivin takin me time,takin in sites. I was in young 30's. One of the places I stopped was the PETRIED FOREST/PAINTED somethin or other. There was no one there except a older couple probably late 70's early 80's. It the first stop. You go from stop to stop get out and walk. The old gent could not walk very well so I went with them to each stop. And I helped them at each stop so they could take it in. One was INDIAN hyogripics that they wanted to see. Had to climb down some ancient stone steps to see. It took a while to get both down and up. The wife took pictures. They were so happy. Towards the end was the petrified. The lady said I wish I could have a memento of this. JOHN FRANK ARMY said,IT'S illegal. I told them meet me outside NATIONAL PARK. YA I stole a piece of PETRIFIED WOOD and gave it to them. They were elated. Just sayin. I'm their age now. I'd need assistance doin tour.
(2)All you youngsters out there now. the day will come when you get older if you live that long. New tecnogolgy will have emerged. You won't want to partake. It like me years ago when me young. Much older would  tell me what to expect as I got their age. I never believed them. I DO NOW. Anyhow. Your gonna say the same thin. I'M old school. I don't need this new school crap. Such the life of those young.
(3) One last thin. JOHN FRANK ARMY him. HE got NO ONE. PARENTS long since dead. Wife dead 15 years ago. No kids. Brother just passed away. Don't get me wrong. Does not bother me. But,JOHN FRANK ARMY don't like this SHIT. Family's by phones for in a group for HUSBAND,WIFE,KIDS,sets of GRANDPARENTS, and it costs next to nothin. A SINGLE person has to pay a fortune for sopisticated phone. And a lot of older are like myself.
(4) And we don't need a cell. We did all are partyin and explorin years ago. We don't go out drivin and dancin at night anymore. WE DID IT and we still alive. We stay at home and know our limits. All you youngsters will realize some day.
(5) Pay HEED to the MESSAGE.


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Re: SO'S JOHN FRANK ARMY spends today defyin a TB TOURNAMENT.
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2022, 08:00:58 PM »
With age, wisdom comes, good for you John Frank.


shout out

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