As long as me on topic,JOHN FRANK ARMY will speak more.
Fuc these A-holes that OD themselves. You want to commit suicide,thats your prerogative. If you been usin forever and don't know toxic levels and you cause youself at 50 to get hart-o-tac,then you a mindless moron idiot.
And I'M sick of family in these situations always goin: He was not doin drugs for a long time and re-lapsed. MY ASS. Just like FLOYD girlfriend testifyin. GEORGE had quit and I'M surprised to learn that he was usin again.And she goes we both users. Begged borrowed and stealed to get drugs. She acted like the complete faithful girlfriend. Until DEFENCE ATTORNEY went and said: Ain't your nickname MOMMA. She got all pissed off. She was forced to say:YES.
So we had all those 18 funerals for GEORGE FLOYD and AL SHARPTON and FLOYDS family and other MINESTERS and all other speakers HARPED on and on that GEORGE was callin out to his deceased mother. When in fack he was callin out to the 2 drug dealers that were in car with him and standin on sidewalk to call MOMMA to get bail money to bail his sorry drug ass out of jail. I'M surprised he didn't yell: Don't use the other $5,000 in fake $20'S,see if you can scrape up real cash.