Author Topic: LETS hope tomirrow.  (Read 307 times)

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LETS hope tomirrow.
« on: May 09, 2024, 07:27:59 PM »
TRUMP explodin today after court that thee JUDGE is a CORRUPT FUC.
It time to put this FAT FUCK DIAPER wearin DRAFT DODGIN FUC in a holdin cell while COURT in session. The FAT POS been warned repeatedly.
He just does this SHIT to antagonize. This time the FAT FUC DRAFT DODGIN FUC went to far. If not for his SECRET SERVICE protection he be in that cell. The FUCKIN FAT POS rely's on that. HE would SHIT in his depends if he not surronded by them. OH wait. HE SHITS his pants all the time.
LETS not forget at beginnin of TRAIL. FAT FUCKIN DRAFT DODGIN SLOP goin: I can't waiy to get on stanf and testify. Doin that fake SHIT for 4 days. Then last week he was asked ,WILL YOU FAT SLOP,testify. HE goes I can't I.m on a GAG order and not allowed. What a LYIN FAT FUC POS.
And the judge basiccally said today: FAT SLOP,you can get on stand and tell your side . FAT DLOP DRAFT DODGER shit his draweres again. He wanted to be able to say his version outside of court and tweetin. What a POS this FAT FUC be. HEY FAT SLOP DRAFT DODGER,get on stand when you LAWLERS put on your defense. That FAT FUCKIN SLOP too much of COWAED. Yet he will BOAST,I want to,but me lawlers won't let me. FAT SLOP controls his lawlers. He controls everyone associated with him. But know the FAT FUCKIN slop sayin he don't control.And STORMY was good.
PROSECUTORS would love to have the FAT FUC on stand. They would RIP the FAT SLOP apart.
YOUSSSE all member the HILLARY chant by HIS uneducated MAGA FUCS. LOCK HER UP. TOOOES morrow gotta hope that JUDGE finnaly is fed up with the FAT SLOPS threats. Time to lock his ass in holdin cell,while court in seaaion. And the JURY will fully understand. Any other person would be locked in cell for the day at least. IT time. Also,theFAT DRAFT DODGIN FUC can FART to his own content withouy smellin up the courtroom.


  • Stakes Horse
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Re: LETS hope tomirrow.
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2024, 09:50:25 PM »
TRUMP explodin today after court that thee JUDGE is a CORRUPT FUC.
It time to put this FAT FUCK DIAPER wearin DRAFT DODGIN FUC in a holdin cell while COURT in session. The FAT POS been warned repeatedly.
He just does this SHIT to antagonize. This time the FAT FUC DRAFT DODGIN FUC went to far. If not for his SECRET SERVICE protection he be in that cell. The FUCKIN FAT POS rely's on that. HE would SHIT in his depends if he not surronded by them. OH wait. HE SHITS his pants all the time.
LETS not forget at beginnin of TRAIL. FAT FUCKIN DRAFT DODGIN SLOP goin: I can't waiy to get on stanf and testify. Doin that fake SHIT for 4 days. Then last week he was asked ,WILL YOU FAT SLOP,testify. HE goes I can't I.m on a GAG order and not allowed. What a LYIN FAT FUC POS.
And the judge basiccally said today: FAT SLOP,you can get on stand and tell your side . FAT DLOP DRAFT DODGER shit his draweres again. He wanted to be able to say his version outside of court and tweetin. What a POS this FAT FUC be. HEY FAT SLOP DRAFT DODGER,get on stand when you LAWLERS put on your defense. That FAT FUCKIN SLOP too much of COWAED. Yet he will BOAST,I want to,but me lawlers won't let me. FAT SLOP controls his lawlers. He controls everyone associated with him. But know the FAT FUCKIN slop sayin he don't control.And STORMY was good.
PROSECUTORS would love to have the FAT FUC on stand. They would RIP the FAT SLOP apart.
YOUSSSE all member the HILLARY chant by HIS uneducated MAGA FUCS. LOCK HER UP. TOOOES morrow gotta hope that JUDGE finnaly is fed up with the FAT SLOPS threats. Time to lock his ass in holdin cell,while court in seaaion. And the JURY will fully understand. Any other person would be locked in cell for the day at least. IT time. Also,theFAT DRAFT DODGIN FUC can FART to his own content withouy smellin up the courtroom.
Forgetting all the descriptive name calling John Frank is correct. Any of us spewing the attacks on the judge and his family would certainly land us in Rikers Island by now. Trump or anyone else with billions of dollars get special treatment.


shout out

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