General Category > Thoroughbred Racing

Turf Paradise Monday


Race 2  6   win  dd   6-5   p3  6-5-469

Ouch...6 dead last opener. Would have passed had I seen the huge front bandages, Multitasking sucks

Race 3

#5 Firster for good barn vs garbage

dd and p3  5/469/46

Done with the 1/4 horses for the day.

Race 4 very interesting. Look to the pedigrees for first time turfers

#4 Striking Notes...Mojica riding for Eikleberry. Why is he not riding Diodoros horse, which he usually does. Well bred for grass
#6 Flattermeincourt. ...Diodoro on fire. Using G Rod who is exceptional on the turf
#9  Stellzone....bred for grass

dd and p3  469/46/14


--- Quote from: bello on January 06, 2025, 03:21:24 PM ---Done with the 1/4 horses for the day.

Race 4 very interesting. Look to the pedigrees for first time turfers

#4 Striking Notes...Mojica riding for Eikleberry. Why is he not riding Diodoros horse, which he usually does. Well bred for grass
#6 Flattermeincourt. ...Diodoro on fire. Using G Rod who is exceptional on the turf
#9  Stellzone....bred for grass

dd and p3  469/46/14

--- End quote ---
#4 wins $9   4-6   ex $33

Race 5   live dd   4 and 6     p3   46/14/47

Late horizontals,,,dd p3 p4   races 6-9    p4  14/47/5810/49

Good luck if you play.


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