A few years back when this CO-VID SHIT started, JOHN FRANK ARMY,CBR,said it most likly escaped from a LAB with someone gettin contaminated and spredin.
FOX all over this. We stated that what happened.
The SHIT came out and irregardless caused HAVOC. How many MILLIONS died worldwide. Wherever it originated. FOX again blamin that people never need to get shots. Get sick and LIVE and you will be OK from that point on. Everyone of the FUCS all got every SHOT. EVERY REBUG politician got SHOTS. FUC off with yooouse stupid CRAP. The SHIT was here and everywhere and it don't matter if it came from a LAB or FOOD MARKET. Who eats fried BATS anyhow.
MAYBE,ARRON tried that delicacy in darkness,as he new not what he devourin.