General Category > Thoroughbred Racing

Who in your opinion is TVG's worst handicapper

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Generation XYZ:
John Frank. My Man, where you been?  I agree Carrothers is a dildo.

I feel like Carruthers has cost me tons of money over the years as he always touts the lone speed horses. You used to get overlays on these horses all the time. Now the casual fan who puts on TVG once in a while looks for these opportunities as well. You will never get a gift like One Dreamer in the BC Distaff anymore. I miss the good old days when there was so much dead money. Now there is too much information that is too easy to get.

XYZ. JOHN FRANK ARMY explain in segments.

So about 3 months ago,JOHN FRANK ARMY'S vehichle was attempted to be stolen. Even though it ANTI-STOLEN preventible. The 2 young fucks used a hammer and screwdriver to break and turn ignition. Tore apart the panelining which I keep on inside of car immaculate. So got the fucks fingerprints and also VIDIO of the 2 FUCS. By the way: they be WHITE CAUCASIAN FUCS. And HOW DARE they attempt to steal JOHN FRANK ARMY car. On BUMPER is: US.ARMY. Did not have a vehichle for 3 and 1/2 weeks. Cop called me and said would you like to go to court. I said: by all means. Want to look at the 2 fucks that cost me $1,800. out of pocket and disrespectin a VET. Court date ain't till Mid-January 2024. Don't expect any compensation,but I will tell the 2 fucks. You FUCKED with the wrong person. Now I see yooose and yooouse will be seein me sometime. Me over and yooouse beginnin. Check that reverse.

JOHN FRANK ARMY has every immune shot that exists.
So's right after I'ss become ill. Coughin non-stop violently for 10 days. Could not catch me breath  and swallowin COUGH SYRUP non-stop. I survived.


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