General Category > The O.T.

Lets talk and discuss a topic that cums up occassionaly about PLOPSTERS.

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I went to the dentist 2 times a year my whole life, at 64 my teeth are in pretty good shape but I have 2 recent problems. I have 2 teeth that need major work 2650.00 each. I am going in to start the first one next Tuesday.
Thank god for cc's, its getting charged to plastic.
Also the last 2 years I grind my teeth at night, my 2 front teeth are chipped, now I wear a mouth guard at night when I sleep.


--- Quote from: kantseeback on December 14, 2023, 08:40:44 PM ---I went to the dentist 2 times a year my whole life, at 64 my teeth are in pretty good shape but I have 2 recent problems. I have 2 teeth that need major work 2650.00 each. I am going in to start the first one next Tuesday.
Thank god for cc's, its getting charged to plastic.
Also the last 2 years I grind my teeth at night, my 2 front teeth are chipped, now I wear a mouth guard at night when I sleep.

--- End quote ---

Bitter Truth:
 You and that demented old tard make a nice couple.

Just pull the teeth

Of all the places I think of going to for medical, dental, or financial advice, Horseplop would be near the bottom of the list.  I’m not sure anything on this site is factual, certainly a lot of people that got opinions, kind of like Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest.

The best health care is prevention both dental and medical.  Brush your teeth and floss.  Don’t smoke or chew tobacco.  Don’t drink soda by the gallon or sugar by the pound.  See a dentist once or twice a year depending on your dental health, get your teeth cleaned, get X-rays at least every 2-4 years depending on your history.

You won’t die if you have to gum your food but you will look like an old goat.  Dental health just like health in general can change over time, how well you maintain it, and what your diet and home care is like.  Or as someone says “just pull em”……and look like all the other MAGA’s out there.


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