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Biden and his foreign policy dream team

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Oh no Stinky Terry is back LOL  ngc3 ngc3 ngc3
Wish he would just have stayed gone  11.wp


--- Quote from: TheGrimReaper on August 19, 2021, 06:28:08 PM ---1250 days left before the next President takes office…..hope it’s not Biden, Trump or any other old gizzard,  How about some fresh blood not DumDum DeSantis, AOC, Kamala, Teddy Snooze or any of the current crop of talking heads.  Larry Hogan type works for me…..

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how about Brittney Spears?  she got loose of her Daddy? 

wisha roder:

--- Quote from: horses first on August 19, 2021, 09:42:30 AM ---They have t keep her far away from this incase the whole thing implodes and they have to pull the hook on Joe. Joe got a little testy with George S in that interview when asked about people clinging to a plane and falling to there death. Biden's response that was 4 or 5 days ago??? WTF was much for empathy Joe. The guy is way over his head and if some rogue RPG'S head toward the airport killing people or soldiers...then what? Even lame street media finally some not giving him a pass.

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Robert Gates the former defense secretary under several presidents including Obama has stated: " I think he [Joe Biden] has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades".  Let that sink in....Is it any wonder this sorry ass excuse for a president is up to his neck in the shitter.  What's more amazing is that he was "elected" president.  Real leaders lead.  When people point fingers, it's because they don't have common sense solutions...but that's an elitist isn't it?  They think they have all the answers and everyone else is deplorable. 


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