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A day in the life of JOHN FRANK ARMY one CHRISTMAS DAY.


So's me in the ARMY LIFE. I'ss had This thin for skippin leave time. 3 day free passes be me thin goin forward aster BASIC. Everyone wants to bail and head home for THANKS and CHRISTMAS. ME NOT. So'S I always staid includin R+R. Reason for that is to expensive ands I wanted to save for EARLY OUT on mes return. Did I miss out goin to TOYKEO, BANKKOC, HONG GONE, AUSTRALIA. The answer is NO. Everyone chosse and went. Their money did not last long. I get for everyone a EXPERIENCE of lifetime. And me happy for them.
But meeesssess want to talk about one experience me had to endure in trainin at DUGWAY,UTAH. I'ss got to say. One thin about ARMY wherever you located they gonna on THANKS or CHRISTMAS lay out a great and tasty spread. Wether you choose enlisted men's barrecks,NCO CLUB,OFFICER'S CLUB, you gettin the best that ever was. In NAM TOOO. So it CHRISTMAS at DUGWAY. I'M in trainin and 3 others also decide they not headin home on leave. The MAJOR of unit say's: Not gonna have the 4 of you SPEND chrirtmas ALONE. OH,GOD. Can't refuse your superior. The 4 of us goes to MAJOR'S house. They do have them on base. His WIFE the COOK. NEVER in me life has me tasted more horrible food. And had to gobble down the SHIT and say HOW TASTY. After these many years,I'M beginnin to wonder if that a human experimentation in CBR and us 4 the experiments. FIRST OFF: Who eats vegitible JELLO MOLD. You dog maybe.


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