Author Topic: Anyone know the FUC BRAIN .  (Read 2161 times)

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Anyone know the FUC BRAIN .
« on: September 16, 2024, 06:36:27 PM »
She a FOX beauty. IF she ever FBI at one time, one can understand how FUCKED up it was when she there. This woman don't know SHIT about anythin. Another who spent time smokin CRACK than actually workin. Got to like her analysis, while she talkin at 5000 RPMS. She goin: First we have to investigate everyone involved in MEEESE LOVER TRUMP schedule.
HEY SHITBRAIN: The FAT FUC DRAFT DODGIN FUC spent the last 5 days on west coast,with his inceessent LIES. It do not take a genuis when he return home,HE WANNA PLAY PEE WEE GOLF. He never plays at a course he not own. So,it not hard to fiqure that he gonna play. And the course that offers oppertunatity, be a perfect spot for gunman. How this guy know schedule. He don't have to. FAT SLOP, goin. I birdied the 5th. Sure he did. On camera and the fat SLOP PIG missed. His MONKEY just stooped down to pic up the missed shot. Member,the FAT SLOP don't play out. He goes that a gimmi.
So lets do this: MIKE JOHNSON, WRESTLIN BOY, JIMMY I COME FIRST in a contest, MARGIE, GAETZ, BOEBERT, KENNEDY, JOHNSON from WISCONSIN, CRUZ,is he MEXICAN or WHAT, Nice lot of SHITS. All screamin proteck DONALD,the DRAFT DODGER. NOone protected me or others back in day. We protedted each other. Nice to see all these cowardly queers goin: GOIN HELP ME. Reminds one of the original movie: THE FLY.


shout out

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