Author Topic: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.  (Read 8460 times)

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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2024, 03:17:34 PM »
Got to like when a panel is only allowed to ask the FAT DRAFT DODGIN BAD TOE PRICK a total of 4 questions. There direct questions. Instead he goes off on other topics. Again we have to listen to his same fuckin RANT on NUCLEAR BOMBS and WORLD WAR 111. And I have not seen anythin today and I need to catch up. Or is that KETCHUP. So the DRAFT DODGIN BLIMP goes: PUTIN today just endorsed his commie friend KAMALLA. Yeah: I'M sure that statement is TRUE. I'ME,TRUMP NEVER let PUTIN get away with anythin. Say's the same about ROCKET BOY. ROCKET fears me. Sure he does. XI and I are good friends. There you go. And again the FAT FUC confuses himself. XI,CHINA,are buildin OIL wells in MEXICO. I won't allow them to then use that OIL for their electric cars that they buildin in mexico and want to sell in USA. Don't forget DRAFT DODGER, You would rather jump in ocean on a electric boat when it sinkin. You said you would rather be eaten by sharks than electrocuted. Where the FAT SLIME mind come up with this SHIT. Accordin to him: A electric ship sinks and he attempts to stay on it the upcomin water will electrocute him. Yet the nearby water will remain non-electrocution accordin to him. If any one needs electrocution,IT the FAT FUCKIN DRAFT DODGIN BLIMP and his whole family. And last question: MR,PRESIDENT: How will you help family's that are spendin 25% of their income on day care. FOX conviently has audio problems for his response,which most likly had to be the wildest in-coherant SHIT of all time. If we all could have heard: The FAT PRICK would have said. Hope your kids grow up quickly and put them to work at 5. Toooo be continnnued.....


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2024, 03:45:54 PM »
NOWS me will say sumthin else relatin.
People talikn about WELZ ,WETZ or whatever his name is. Complainin he not a MASTER SEARGENT. Ya knows he WAS. And that means he oversaw a lot of troops.

NOW lets bring us back to the PHILLIPINEO,that was and for all I know is still FAT BLIMP CHEEEZZEBURGERS VALET. 2 years ago he was big news. WHAT happened? Where is he. Hidin with the YAMAMOTO treasure. And he got promototed to MASTER SEARGENT. No one complainin about that. And he only as one person to report to. And his job is to fetch,a zillion chesseburgers,cokes, and constantly consult with TAILOR as the FAT SLOP needs wider and wider pants and suits. I'LL answer my own question. Since I was CBR. The middle age kid,finnaly experied from bein around the FAT FUCS BO all those years. Hope the FAT FUC visits his grave at ARLINGTON sumtime. Trust me: That will never happen.
And the case with the dis-appearin VALET. He moved the TOP SECRET documents. Then the FBI raid at MAR. FAT FUC goes. The FBI was there to assinate me. There you go. They knew the BLIMP was in JERSEY. And the SLOP say's they thought I was there. So,FBI confiscates every document. Guess WHAT. The TOP SECRET NUCLEARS were not there. Where are they. The FAT BLIMP can't say,he no nothin about. He even showed then to KID ROCK, who said afterward. Should I be lookin at this.


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #17 on: September 05, 2024, 04:09:27 PM »
Here's go FOX. HUNTER attempts to plead out. Joe already said: I will not PARDON or commute any sentence my son receives. He means it. Trump has already said: I will make him serve any dentense he receives. OK. GOOD for HUNTER, but me the SHIT DRAFT DODGIN FUC MOLESTER,not the same. I AM INNNNOOOCEEENT.
Back to FAT FUCS speech and question today. Anyone else notice.
The school shootin yesterday. FOX no want to even bring it up. BLIMP don't even mention it in his speech. YA,it terrible that soldiers were killed by BIDEN and HARRIS,but it OK for a 14 year old with another AR-15 killed 4 at a school. SICK FAT FUC,just fine with that. I'M sure he called relatives of the DECEASED. LOL. Don't fit his program. And its a red state. That allows weven young kids to walk around carrin weapons.
And then their's MARGIE. She went: WE need to pray at this moment. I'm surprized she not say in addition. I hope the victems were all BLACK.


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #18 on: September 05, 2024, 04:49:18 PM »
Here FOX again: The school shooter was on FBI watch list. Let JOHN FRANK ARMY get this right. FoX goin this 12 year old needed FBI SCRUNITY.
Give one a break FOX. Start talkin about GEORGIA,RED STATE,a 6 year old can walk down street carryin a AR-15. GUN LAWS need implementation.
Want to carry a weapon. Do it legally. JOIN THE ARMY,MARINES,AIR FORCE,NAVY, WAIT: DRAFT DODGER and his MAGA FUCS go. EVERYONE should be allowed to walk down any street in AMERICA and kill a GRIZZLY BEAR. Thank YOU DRAFT DODGIN SICKIN FUC and KYLE RITTENHOUSE.


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #19 on: September 05, 2024, 05:42:10 PM »
Johnny your losing , Trump is the best thing that ever happened to out Country.  I don't understand why you hate the guy.  Things were way better when he was our Potus.


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2024, 05:45:04 PM »
And again" Can someone explain this to me,JOHN FRANK ARMY. 2019 and TRUMP (GOD that SICKIN ain't it) And protesters ain't really near WHITE HOUSE,and FAT FUC goes to his SECRET SERVICE. You must take me to fall out shelter in WHITE HOUSE for me PROTECTION. I mean WHAT A FUCKIN COWARD.
And I'LL say this" The fuc is a DRAFT DODGIN COWARD POS. And in me day's. You would not want to be near this COWARD anywhere. You would end up DEAD.
BUT he goes: I'M the bravest individual alive. I'M marked and survived a bee sting. Then we find out accordin to WRESTLIN BOY and COMER,I can't help myself bringin up useless investigations. BUT WE GOONA prove it 200 years from now. Anyhow: now the scoop is. Some gunner on ground, shot the KID's rifle before he got shot off at DICKBRAIN,causin the kid to miss shot. Trump ain't tellin that story. He goin: There were 2 US flags fyin behind me. When I got BEE STING, they both folded in shape of a ANGEL. Nice story DRAFT DODGER. CAN the public get a picture of that. Seems more like LUCIFER swoopin down to capture you.


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2024, 06:24:49 PM »
BOBBY: JOHN FRANK tryin to explain a few thins.:
You probably don't remember the first time we met. YEARS ago. Upstaires at TRACKSIDE BAR. You always sat at end right. There was a # of individuals that sat front row at bar. But I sat in counter behind bar. That was my spot with others. Anyhow you sat with AL, Can't member that great guy older. He was great. Buy the bar except BILLY DOWNS. Then there was GEORGE, TIMMY,te big bettor,who always screamed.every race he bettin. WIN ME CHILD. I know we knew everyone.
Want to say this. We became friends as you know. One day and it was slow I moved up and sat next to you. You a regular and so was I. Kinda picked your brain. You hoooverin over the FORM. We starts talkin. You ain't shy but at time I ain't your friend either. So's we start talkin. I knows you a bettor. And then you tells me,that you also a owner. You tells me you claim horses down at ELLIS PARK and bring them up to ARLINGTON to race. I think you said at time your trainer was GRANITS. I could be wrong on that. Can't at moment think of the other trainers name. Anyhow: we became friends after that introduction.
And we were for years. I gets you like TRUMP. I don't.
And I'll try to explain. You younger than I. TRUMP and I are same age. I went,HE did not. All you have to do is read previous posts to understand why I dis-like him immensely. Ya know what is peculiar. I've been to the PLAYERS maybe 3 times in last 2 years. Guy's you and I both know from past still around also love TRUMP. I can't even talk with them. I let everythin just go by. Maybe,it because of me HATRED for the individual. I WENT and he made sure he did not.
Anyhow: YOUR a FRIEND. Not many left from the ARLINGTON day's. You would not believe how many have passed. But I'M sure you get updates.
And I never got to say this about your younger son. MY condolances. I know it's been a while. Tell ANN,also.
But you right. That water episode,was sumthin else. Anyhow. I not want to argue with you. But I have to do what I can to STOP TRUMP. And my vote in ILLINOIS means nothin. Yours and ANN'S in ARIZONA can mean sumthin. VOTE YOUR HEART. YOUR friend always, JOHN FRANK.


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #22 on: September 06, 2024, 08:48:09 AM »
I dont really talk to anyone there anymore lost my phone and contacts 10 years ago.  Those were great days no buy Billy, Howard, George, Mack, Bob.  I can only imagine how many are gone.  The illegals are everywhere out here hospitals are a shit show it is disgraceful.  As for Trump comparing him to the others Biden Harris it is no contest.  The media is out to get him.  Damn he took a bullet to his head and stood up and wanted to continue on.  He has single handily destroyed the phony fucked up political system in this Country.  For that I respect him and his giant balls, most peeps I know think the world of him also.  To each his own I guess.  What happened to Arlington is beyond belief to me in many a ways also.


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #23 on: September 07, 2024, 08:01:31 PM »
Let me see if JOHN FRANK ARMY understands.
So the 14 year old kid that killed 4 at school. His dad on his 13th birthday bought him a AR-15. And at 12 this kid was on FBI radar. His DAD was warned. So DADDY still goes and buys this kid a AR-15. Then if no one else see this: DADDY loaded with TATOES. MoM ihas been arrested numerous times for sellin drugs,writin bad checks and child abuse. So MAGA DADDY is know charged for MANSLAUGHTER. He comes into court CRYIN like a little baby. There you go,MAGA FUC gun lovers. Your all the same. Get caught and you all CRY.


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Re: CAN'T wait for the "FIVE" today.
« Reply #24 on: September 07, 2024, 08:16:13 PM »
And TRUMP loves this crybabbin SHIT. WE MUST HAVE WEAPONS and everyone must have them. Yhe one exception is. The excellent kid who tried to assasssinate me, should never have been allowed to own a weapon. OK,NRA BOY. Let JOHN FRANK ARMY think back: You DRAFT DODGER could have SERVED and held a weapon. But you CHICKEN SHIT were to scared. DADDY HELP ME. I'M afraid of goin to NAM. PLEASE help me DADDY.
And now the SHIT acts like he the tough boy. Problem is: HE WEARS PAMBERS and it proven.


shout out

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