Author Topic: Hoosier Park 5-11-23 Late Pick 5 Carryover of $3,954, Pick 4 Carryover of $5,880  (Read 1194 times)

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Kyle Wilfong wins 1st 3 races tonight @ $78.60, $20.80 & $118.20. causing a early Pick 5 carryover of $3,954 to late Pick 5 with guaranteed pool of $15,000.

10th race should go off about........ 9:45 give or take............ Good luck to all with the likely net 0 take-out!

Also late Pick 4 Carryover of $5,880 (11th race)
« Last Edit: May 11, 2023, 08:32:07 PM by SAW »


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2,7 /1,2,5,6 / 4,7 / 2,4 /7,8

Senator Blutarsky

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Kyle Wilfong wins 1st 3 races tonight @ $78.60, $20.80 & $118.20. causing a early Pick 5 carryover of $3,954 to late Pick 5 with guaranteed pool of $15,000.

10th race should go off about........ 9:45 give or take............ Good luck to all with the likely net 0 take-out!

Also late Pick 4 Carryover of $5,880 (11th race)


In contrast to his 7th race 1/9 horse it's interesting and lol, and a very good night for Mr. Kyle Wilfong, a 12.4% winning driver in that colony.

GL with your bets, I hope You and the Gang here take down those multi race wagering pools!   tmbz1

It's Official!

Senator Blutarsky

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2,7 /1,2,5,6 / 4,7 / 2,4 /7,8

I just saw your post and headed for the live feed, fucking Finn, I'm gonna kick a damn tree! 
It's Official!


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I just saw your post and headed for the live feed, fucking Finn, I'm gonna kick a damn tree!

The winner ran a big race last week and could have been used. I thought the 6 might run him down. It's also bad for the blood pressure when Trace and John DeLong sit in with a POS cutting the pace and you know he is going to stop early.

Senator Blutarsky

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The winner ran a big race last week and could have been used. I thought the 6 might run him down. It's also bad for the blood pressure when Trace and John DeLong sit in with a POS cutting the pace and you know he is going to stop early.

I got to the feed and the results were up, didn't look at the race, and upon hearing now it's fucked up highlights I wanna axe the tree...give those dudes a smack!  I guess when I want something great to happen it don't matter if I bought the tic or seek the win....we need winning group therapy asap, calendar that bro!   ;D 
It's Official!


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I got to the feed and the results were up, didn't look at the race, and upon hearing now it's fucked up highlights I wanna axe the tree...give those dudes a smack!  I guess when I want something great to happen it don't matter if I bought the tic or seek the win....we need winning group therapy asap, calendar that bro!   ;D

Yes indeed.


shout out

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