Author Topic: Excessive  (Read 2216 times)

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  • Stakes Horse
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« on: August 02, 2020, 06:30:46 AM »
Got our first taste of real NBA play up here in Toronto sat. night..Raptors/Lakers from the blm black bubble (Raptors won going away)


as expected, the 2.5 hrs was full of solid basketball but was marred with EXCESSIVE Black Lives Matter propaganda....eve rywhere you looked: whether the espn presentation that our broadcasters up here piggybacked off..or the psa's or the promos or the coaches attire, or player nameplates or court markings or etc...not one announcer challenged any of it, for fear of losing job ((or being exiled off to nba-bum buddies China lol)
Every bit of broadcast affected one way or another. Had an Oakland Raiders' blackhole endzone feel throughout..negat ive and heavy.

The 'double-kneel'..both u.s. and canadian anthems was definitely 'much' (knees hurt too im betting))...hell, the refs knelt as well.
I was kneeling at home: ' no mas no mas '

Should have posted signage: BLM IS ESPN IS NBA...NBA IS BLM...BLM IS etc.  Thats where we are.  Enough already..the entire tv package definitely played 'contrived'

and see how many of these you might agree with..or not:
--no sign this BLM gang has done a damned thing for the poor folks in the cities..really.  Anybody in BLM cutting sizeable innercity checks to help improve things or assisting authorities in rounding up and arresting criminals and rightfully imprisoning the violent actors of the last three months??...weve seen lots of free bail and lots of free passes. (unlike the burdens shopkeepers and everyday black inner city citizens have had to endure over last 90 days)
-no sign this gang has offered to pay for any of their complicit mega $$ damage done to cities..the damage done to these cities, thus opening floodgates for thousands of real taxpaying, good job individuals and families to pull up stakes and take their taxbase and move out of these big cities from coast to coast because of fear of sign that this gang has lifted a finanacial finger to help injured police sign this gang has lifted financial finger to restart damaged inner city sign the Floyd family got a penny of Bl
LM funds..or that this org has said sorry, get up off your knees, and understood the damage done to the minds of stupid white liberal teens via threat and intimidation and bullying. 'you need to suffer like us'(???)...and outside of better and deserving respect from rogue cops, why the excessive demands: this gang chanting for defund the police, tying itself to tired teacher unions and other radical thugs like brain-dead Antifa?
-no...none of the above...the narrow-minded, election-driven money and power-driven 'bull in the china shop' being african-american feel good intimidation push continues.  Quality change is one thing, but change for change sake is another
« Last Edit: August 02, 2020, 06:38:54 AM by Jctoronto »


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Re: Excessive
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2020, 07:30:43 AM »
Sick of it all.
Even the sport talk shows spend a rediculous amount of time on it.
And when you chose kneeling during the anthem as your time to show support for social justice, you chose a time that disrespects Americans and veterans.
You can say, that's not what this is about all you like, but many Americans call bull shit.
If you aren't wanting to disrespect the flag, the nation and our veterans, then stop doing it during the anthem.
In basketball, kneel down for 10 seconds as a group right before the tipoff.
In baseball, step out on the field and all kneel during the 7th inning stretch.

There were lots of ways you could support social justice and remove any notion that you were disrespecting America and veterans.    The avenue you have chosen does exactly that, no matter what you say. 
I'm a Raptors fan.   Still am, but won't watch a game until the stop the anthem kneeling.
I'm a hockey fan.   Will wait to see what they do.
I'm a NFL fan.    Pretty sure I won't be watching any of those games.
Couldn't care less about women's soccer and basketball, so they can kneel after every basket and goal for all I care.


shout out

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