Author Topic: BIG M HANDLE FALLS A MILLION  (Read 7808 times)

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silent one

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« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2021, 07:26:12 AM »
If you are a true harness fan, why would you not be promoting such positive handle amounts.
The Big M is a showcase harness racing facility. Why disparage such a positive harness racing establishment?
Makes no sense?

  If you are a true harness fan, why would you support a hypocritical lessor who employs two of the biggest horse dopers in the sport?

  If you are a true harness fan, why would you support a hypocritical lessor who gets rid of one of the most knowledgedable men, in the history of the sport, Hollywood Heyden, and replace him with shit stains like Jenny Da Ho, Brain dead Wendy Ross, and the ultimate moron, Shades?
  If you are a true harness fan, why would you support ANY track that has to have welfare handouts to survive?

  If you are a true harness fan, why would you call the Pig M a "showcase harness racing facility" when it races only two nights a week?

  If you are a true harness fan, why would you promote handles, when the TRACK LOSES MONEY?

  This is all the Gural butt wipers have. The Pig M handles more than any other harness track. BIG FUCKING DEAL. The track loses money. The quality of racing is a fraction of what it was in it's "showcase days". The quality of driving talent is a fraction of what it once was. The track is run by a hypocritical tyrant, who got a sweetheart deal, and now threatens/begs for government handouts. If you truly believe the Pig M is a showcase harness racing facility, you are only deluding yourselves.

     Sincerely, Silent One

The Exporter

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« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2021, 07:45:02 AM »
O Silent one. Please share your vision of harness racing without The Meadowlands.

silent one

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« Reply #17 on: January 11, 2021, 08:20:28 AM »
    Without the PIG M, harness racing would survive. There would also be no burden on the tax payers of New Jersey, which the vast majority couldn't give a damn if harness racing is at the Pig M. The WHORESMEM, are a fraction of a minority. There is no reason why tax payers, or any business for that matter, should have to support a FAILED BUSINESS. A failed business, I might add, that the WHORESMEN helped create for themselves. The Pig M is a drain on the economy of New Jersey. If it is shut down, more people would benefit. Now maybe you could explain why you wish to delude yourself, and explain why taxpayers should have to support the failed PIG M.

    Sincerely, Silent One



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« Reply #18 on: January 11, 2021, 10:26:59 AM »
Dude you need a new tag - your more chatty than a preadolescent girl that's met the love of her life.

1. Don't all harness tracks lose $. And most way more than big m. Arent almost all getting subsidies. So, they all should shut down?

2.  I'd feel more strongly about subsidies going to harness if I didn't think usa was already awash in subsidies going to all industries. Cato institute (conservative think tank) in " Examining Americas Farm Subsidy Problem" argues that in 2020 40 percent of us farm income will come from federal subsidies. I'd support stopping racing subsidies if everyone else felt the pain. And farmers arent unique; federal taxpayer $ rolling out to all industries in one way or another.  Absent that I see no reason to single out Meadowlands among harness tracks.


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« Reply #19 on: January 11, 2021, 10:40:02 AM »

  If you are a true harness fan, why would you support a hypocritical lessor who employs two of the biggest horse dopers in the sport?

1st All tracks have dopers...... 2nd Gural has done more to remove dopers than any harness track. 3rd name these employee's and proof they are 2 of the biggest dopers.

  If you are a true harness fan, why would you support a hypocritical lessor who gets rid of one of the most knowledgedable men, in the history of the sport, Hollywood Heyden, and replace him with shit stains like Jenny Da Ho, Brain dead Wendy Ross, and the ultimate moron, Shades?

This is your opinion (from recent comments some others agree) Every business hires who they think will help their business, nothing nefarious here.
  If you are a true harness fan, why would you support ANY track that has to have welfare handouts to survive?

Governments, State & Federal provide subsidies to many industries, like Agriculture, Oil, Housing, Healthcare & Export's. You can debate subsidies GOOD or BAD, but N.J. did this to help their States horse industry......... . “New Jersey’s horse racing industry is a key economic engine, supporting thousands of jobs and attracting tourists and fans from around the world,” Phil Murphy said

  If you are a true harness fan, why would you call the Pig M a "showcase harness racing facility" when it races only two nights a week?

Again opinion..... Yes a showcase facility can operate 80 sometimes a year......... Example Keeneland.

  If you are a true harness fan, why would you promote handles, when the TRACK LOSES MONEY?

Again your opinion........ I didn't know it was a rule the a business had to make money for people to patronize it? Most don't care. I know the people who race their horses at the Meadowlands don't.

  This is all the Gural butt wipers have. The Pig M handles more than any other harness track. BIG FUCKING DEAL. The track loses money. The quality of racing is a fraction of what it was in it's "showcase days". The quality of driving talent is a fraction of what it once was. The track is run by a hypocritical tyrant, who got a sweetheart deal, and now threatens/begs for government handouts. If you truly believe the Pig M is a showcase harness racing facility, you are only deluding yourselves.

I underlined more of your opinions!    And your entitled to them, but I don't understand all the name calling/hate??? Did Gural wrong you somehow in the past????? "Pig M" how very CLEVER ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3

silent one

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« Reply #20 on: January 11, 2021, 01:21:30 PM »
 SAW, first off, thanks for your opinions, in detail. Let me address your questions.

 . Every FAN of the sport knows who Gural employs. He claims to care about "integrity", yet the only major horse doper he got rid of, in my opinion, is Pena. He went out of his way, helping with an investigation that included going over all of Pena's billing records. Why hasn't he done this with all questionable trainers? Yet he employs trainers that have had horses testes for substances such as Glaucine? Gural made a big deal about the Hong Kong testing facility. In all this time, how many trainers have tested positive? Compare with other tracks, and I believe you will find a higher rate of positives at other tracks. Some might argue that with only 2 days of racing, that would lower the possible amount of positives.

  As for Hollywood Heyden, I never said it was nefarious. It was just incredibly stupid. If the Pig M were a showcase racing facility, wouldn't you want the best? Could anybody say Jenny Da Ho, Wendy, and the ultimate moron are the best?

  As for subsidies, I do not believe any corrupt industry should be receiving subsidies/casino welfare. I believe New Jersey gave $15 million subsidy for the purses. In this day and age, wouldn't 15M be better spent on nurses. police, teachers, and fire fighters?

  Comparing Keeneland to the Pig M is a monstrous stretch. Keeneland has a stake race every day, at least at one of their meets. Meyden races 15 meets, with major Group 1=3 races every day of their meet. Royal Ascot races 5 days, with major stakes each day.  Now I do agree with you this is my opinion. I also believe two nights a week is not near enough to be called a showcase harness facility.

  As for handle, it is a false positive. Handle does not mean success. If the public knew how much money is lost, do you think the subsidies/casino welfare would continue? You also seem to think the whoresmen who race at the Pig M don't care if the track loses money. If this is true, this shows how stupid the whoresmen are, they should care their source of income, is losing money.
 I also found interesting things you DIDN'T underline. Such as:

 1. the track loses money
 2. the quality of racing
 3. the quality of drivers
 4. a sweetheart deal, and now threatens/begs for government handouts

   I do apologize for the length of my reply, but I wanted to provide a little detail to my reasoning.

  Sincerely, Silent One


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« Reply #21 on: January 11, 2021, 03:39:20 PM »
Im not going to respond to most points. But to say the meadowlands doesnt have best driving coloney is just stupid. They have the best by far...that have best drivers in the world. Top 7 or 8 drive there every nite. Not even an argument.other points wont comment on


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« Reply #22 on: January 11, 2021, 03:48:47 PM »
SAW, first off, thanks for your opinions, in detail. Let me address your questions.

 . Every FAN of the sport knows who Gural employs. He claims to care about "integrity", yet the only major horse doper he got rid of, in my opinion, is Pena. He went out of his way, helping with an investigation that included going over all of Pena's billing records. Why hasn't he done this with all questionable trainers? Yet he employs trainers that have had horses testes for substances such as Glaucine? Gural made a big deal about the Hong Kong testing facility. In all this time, how many trainers have tested positive? Compare with other tracks, and I believe you will find a higher rate of positives at other tracks. Some might argue that with only 2 days of racing, that would lower the possible amount of positives.

  As for Hollywood Heyden, I never said it was nefarious. It was just incredibly stupid. If the Pig M were a showcase racing facility, wouldn't you want the best? Could anybody say Jenny Da Ho, Wendy, and the ultimate moron are the best?

  As for subsidies, I do not believe any corrupt industry should be receiving subsidies/casino welfare. I believe New Jersey gave $15 million subsidy for the purses. In this day and age, wouldn't 15M be better spent on nurses. police, teachers, and fire fighters?

  Comparing Keeneland to the Pig M is a monstrous stretch. Keeneland has a stake race every day, at least at one of their meets. Meyden races 15 meets, with major Group 1=3 races every day of their meet. Royal Ascot races 5 days, with major stakes each day.  Now I do agree with you this is my opinion. I also believe two nights a week is not near enough to be called a showcase harness facility.

  As for handle, it is a false positive. Handle does not mean success. If the public knew how much money is lost, do you think the subsidies/casino welfare would continue? You also seem to think the whoresmen who race at the Pig M don't care if the track loses money. If this is true, this shows how stupid the whoresmen are, they should care their source of income, is losing money.
 I also found interesting things you DIDN'T underline. Such as:

 1. the track loses money
 2. the quality of racing
 3. the quality of drivers
 4. a sweetheart deal, and now threatens/begs for government handouts

   I do apologize for the length of my reply, but I wanted to provide a little detail to my reasoning.

  Sincerely, Silent One

I agree it's hard to keep replies short. Your opinions are as valid as my opinions. I will repeat/ask some things again.

You stated "he employs two of the biggest horse dopers in the sport?" I asked you to name them, so you replied....... "Every FAN of the sport knows who Gural employs" that's a copout who are these "Biggest Dopers" when was their last suspension?

You stated "The track loses money" I don't care, I don't think most people do, I don't think the horsemen racing at the track do either.

You stated "If you are a true harness fan, why would you support a hypocritical lessor who gets rid of one of the most knowledgedable men, in the history of the sport, Hollywood Heyden" 1st - It's his business, he employs who he thinks will be good for his business, his choice/opinion. 2nd In the past I've heard many complain about Heyden, people are going to complain no matter who Gural chooses, you see complaints at all tracks...... Personally I may not like some track people, but it has no effect on my gambling or being a harness fan.

As for Keeneland, I compared them based on racing days........ A showcase track can a race for minimal days during a year. 

You stated "begs for government handouts" It's not a handout, the state believes it will get something for it's money...... I will repeat my earlier comment..........Governments, State & Federal provide subsidies to many industries, like Agriculture, Oil, Housing, Healthcare & Export's. You can debate subsidies GOOD or BAD, but N.J. did this to help their States horse industry......... . “New Jersey’s horse racing industry is a key economic engine, supporting thousands of jobs and attracting tourists and fans from around the world,” Phil Murphy said

"the quality of racing" The quality is not as good, but that doesn't mean its not worth wagering on? (my & many others opinion) And Yes Handle is the best measure of success.

"the quality of drivers" as noted below I believe most would disagree.


The Exporter

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« Reply #23 on: January 11, 2021, 04:37:50 PM »
    Without the PIG M, harness racing would survive. There would also be no burden on the tax payers of New Jersey, which the vast majority couldn't give a damn if harness racing is at the Pig M. The WHORESMEM, are a fraction of a minority. There is no reason why tax payers, or any business for that matter, should have to support a FAILED BUSINESS. A failed business, I might add, that the WHORESMEN helped create for themselves. The Pig M is a drain on the economy of New Jersey. If it is shut down, more people would benefit. Now maybe you could explain why you wish to delude yourself, and explain why taxpayers should have to support the failed PIG M.

    Sincerely, Silent One

 Sorry for the delay in responding. I was hard at work. There is not much I can say that I and many others have not said 100X over. I often held a hard like of, if you can not make a profit on your own, hand outs from the tax payers is not the solution. Then , I have come to acknowledge the fact, the in todays world, government support in many versions is how things are done. You can name almost every industry and they are either getting direct cash payments or some sort of abatement or support. Local projects today are done where not only it makes smart business sense but also what local government is willing to give the most.

 I would love to have the old day of 20,000 at the track betting $4 million. It is gone and never to return. So, in order to survive in todays market, government assistance is how it is done.
As I have stated before, I would love to see the state double what they give to a breeding and state bred program and take it out of the overnight subsidies . Supporting overnight purses for people who put little back into the game is non-productive and short sighted.
 So, by default, I support direct cash subsidies to the industry.


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« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2021, 09:13:48 PM »
The Meadowlands racing is bad? What track has better racing?
There probably are cheaters at the Meadowlands. I think less then most tracks.
The Meadowlands handle gives bettors a chance for prices.


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« Reply #25 on: January 11, 2021, 09:16:34 PM »

Sorry I had a date.  You all should try fucking some girls instead of getting 10c supers.  I'll be back this sat. so handle will be back to normal.

Horses Wild

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« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2021, 01:35:01 PM »
Jen you did a good job sucking Gural off for all the years didn't you?

Locked in with pace

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« Reply #27 on: June 07, 2021, 10:29:29 AM »
the quality of racing is the worst it has ever been. to race $7500 CLAIMERS in multiple divisions is a joke. 2 weeks ago a horse whose last line was not winning in a 4 claimer won. The trackmaster 73 and under
horses are even cheaper. they can only kid the big players so long. with freehold closed for the summer, racing is going to get even cheaper and it's going to show in the handle.


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« Reply #28 on: June 07, 2021, 10:33:24 AM »
Belmont set crazy records on Friday and Saturday.
There are Bettors for the Belmont who went to dinner after.
Half the country knows the winner of the Belmont. .0001 may know the winner of the Meadowlands Pace.
USTA worst in the world at Marketing . Not a penny.!!!!

silent one

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« Reply #29 on: June 07, 2021, 11:12:33 AM »
the quality of racing is the worst it has ever been. to race $7500 CLAIMERS in multiple divisions is a joke. 2 weeks ago a horse whose last line was not winning in a 4 claimer won. The trackmaster 73 and under
horses are even cheaper. they can only kid the big players so long. with freehold closed for the summer, racing is going to get even cheaper and it's going to show in the handle.

Belmont set crazy records on Friday and Saturday.
There are Bettors for the Belmont who went to dinner after.
Half the country knows the winner of the Belmont. .0001 may know the winner of the Meadowlands Pace.
USTA worst in the world at Marketing . Not a penny.!!!!

   The truth hurts. I heard they were happily touting that they had gone so many consecutive days over $3 Million in handle. Then why do you need the handouts Jeff Gural? Stop the welfare!!

      Sincerely, Silent One


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