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Harness Racing / Re: Aaron Merriman is awful
« Last post by Ramnap on Today at 06:45:33 AM »
All I am saying is you could replace Merriman with 10 different people and get the same result.  He drives 4000 races a year one way.  Yes he has a talent, his work ethic.  It is hard work driving up and down the road like a crazy man every day.  You get Jeremy Smith, Dan Noble, Brett Miller, Ronnie Wrenn, or any other cowboy from Ohio and race 4000 times a yr and you will 100% get the same results.

Damn I love these hypotheticals. If the others could they would, but they don't so we are left with the only one that can and will-Aaron. 
« Last post by JOHN FRANK on Today at 06:08:32 AM »
It's fine if you want to believe BIDEN responsible for every calamity in USA history. YOU ain't lived long enough.
I'll also add:JOHN FRANK ARMY a enlisted man. Don't matter if you actually enlisted or be drafted as I was. I's a non=com. "SIR" is reserved for commishioned officers. And every time you speak with one,after every phrase you must say"SIR". I actually found that belittlin in meeese time in ARMY. But one must abide. Remember the phrase: ALL MEN are created equal. That rule not apply in MILITARY. TOP saved me twice from bein busted. Belted the officer of day once and refused to carry out a order another time from superior officer. TOP being E-8. TOP a enlisted man runs the show. HE MY MAN. Never have to say "SIR " to him or salute.
On another quick subject: This SUNDAY morning on FOX,they havin a special guest. The DRAFT DODGIN POS. This should be good. Him repeatin his same old crap. We have people comin into country that we not even knoe the language they speak. That a good one. I did not know that indigious tribes in deep AMAZON are flockin to USA. And he goin,everyone in CONGO,AFRIIICA is filterin thru customs and sneakin into USA. Let me say this: IF YOU lived in CONGO,would you not rather migrate to USA.
Andhis LAW and ORDER. Everyone needs to be put in JAIL,except him of course. I'M INNNNOOOOUCENT. I've lived the RICH spoiled perfect life.
And FOX yesterday askin viewers. TEXT us your questions and we will ask PRESIDENT TRUMP. That tells you somethin there. He TRUMP BOY,a regular citizen. And I guarrentee,any questions negative to the FUCKIN FAT SLOP DRAFT DODGIN POS will never be asked. And the FAT SLOP POS FUCKER won't be answerin too many questios as he justs rambles on about SHIT no one cares.
Maybe WILL,I think that his name,asks the FAT FUCK: FAT SLOP have you read my book. There a question the FAT SLOP will avoid.
OUR only hope the buildin has a strutural fault durin this time and collapses like the TWIN TOWERS. 
Harness Racing / Re: Oakwood Ardan
« Last post by MIKE CAMPBELL on Today at 05:19:48 AM »
He wasn't worrying about that when he was breaking the law. Fuck him,I hope someone tapes a light bulb on the end of a broom handle and shoves it up is ass.
Harness Racing / Re: POINT PROVEN
« Last post by hammer0419 on Today at 02:21:19 AM »
Worked wonders for Greg Grismore.
Harness Racing / Re: Aaron Merriman is awful
« Last post by SDST2009 on Today at 01:28:53 AM »
All I am saying is you could replace Merriman with 10 different people and get the same result.  He drives 4000 races a year one way.  Yes he has a talent, his work ethic.  It is hard work driving up and down the road like a crazy man every day.  You get Jeremy Smith, Dan Noble, Brett Miller, Ronnie Wrenn, or any other cowboy from Ohio and race 4000 times a yr and you will 100% get the same results.

This is pretty on point. He's no finesse driver but he puts in the hours and mileage, and probably as a result scores decent drives.

Imagine if someone like Palone logged the travel he does. It'd be no contest for wins/purses.
Harness Racing / Re: Scott Zeron no effort in race 1 at 3/5
« Last post by SDST2009 on Today at 01:06:37 AM »
I'm positive that I don't need any advice. But thank you.

Did the horse race as she did the previous 2 weeks? Front end?
Did zeron drive half in half out waiting for cover?

Neither of these things are good for the game.

So let me just understand this. The horse should cut the mile, regardless of who she is in with, for the bettors? WTF are they gonna say when she backs through the field, then?

You really cannot fix stupid.
Harness Racing / Re: POINT PROVEN
« Last post by ferdinand the bull on Today at 01:04:42 AM »
mark Herschberger right on the hooter. Gate to wire. Hard to get lost when these things are gassed up and you are on the front.
Out drove the great Jason bartlett.
Just admit it matters. I admit some people have better hand then others but omeone like Burke can make a nobody into a somebody over time.
You drive for the gassers you will do good.
Simone Allard and Joe Bongiorno careers were fueled by gas not talent
Harness Racing / Re: Legendary Hanover will not be close in NA CUP
« Last post by SDST2009 on Today at 01:03:36 AM »
The horse CAN'T leave and Cassie hasn't trained him to leave.  He will always be a victim of pace and if they walk the dog to half or 3/4 he has no shot against good horses.

Some of them can't leave. If the horse only has one good move in him, doesn't matter how you train him, that's how it is. He will pick up checks if he can rocket home. But the real good ones have more than one move in them. Maybe be doesn't.
You try making up ground in a 53.2 last half off weak cover. I doubt if he's eligible to NYSS, he's never been off of a big track in his life. He'll be fine.
bullshirt he is a beast
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