Author Topic: DOGS,MANS best friend.  (Read 43485 times)

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Re: DOGS,MANS best friend.
« Reply #135 on: November 24, 2022, 11:48:40 PM »
 picked up $260...good pickin John..tough beat on the Cowboy game...Fn Patsys had $15 5 teamer and a 20 bone 6 teamer...Turn the Page and try and get em Sunday..


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Re: DOGS,MANS best friend.
« Reply #136 on: November 25, 2022, 06:12:26 AM »
they said during game when last time lions won 3 in a row...can't remember when they said but it was sad


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Re: DOGS,MANS best friend.
« Reply #137 on: November 26, 2022, 08:47:17 AM »
Nice scorin EPM. In bettin the only way to bet and make any moola without bettin huge is parleys. Lookin at me bets includin me futures with the STEEL,I believe I'm up $20.00 or down $30.00. To lazy to backtrack. If I had been bettin straight bets on games I would be ahead more,but that meens investin $50.00 a game and I like investin $50.00 only. And parleys have no JUICE. Why give more money to casino when yees lose.

Lets get Sunday NFL rollin:

So,MIKE WHITE QB for JETS. JOE NAMEHIM could come out of retirement and throw 4 TD"S against this BEARS D which now has all their defensive backfield out. At least the JETS can play some D and this game the BEARS playin namin their QB at gametime is pitttyyful. They was sayin it up to FIELDS if he wants to play. YEARS ago all teams shot up their broken bone players with NOVOCAIN and combined it with GREENIES. Nice COMBO. Probably why the NFL life of a player was 4.2 years. Nowadays I think they give them 2 TYLENOL 500 milligrams a hour before gametime. If FIELDS plays and I positive he won't he'll be lookin for a BRUUUTTAL beatin and exit game before half. Which leaves SIEMAN. Do the BEARS coachin staff have time to arrange a whole new game plan. Last week me said there be FIELDS and MONTGOMERY(and that ain't the WWII British Field General)were left to run the pigskin. Today only MONT. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN and BEARS. By thee way. Did JOE ever marry. He never had to after that SUPERBOWL victory. Him and JOE PEPITONE were quite the womenizers.

I'll start by sayin in JOHN FRANK lifetime he has broken 23 different bones. 13 once in a fall. Lucky at pushin 76 in a month no ARTHRITIS anywhere. Nough about me. But this is important. MEEESE did break me thumb on meeese left hand and I'sss left-handed. This is important for bettors. Those who have never broken a thumb think nothin of it. i'sss knows how long it takes to function proberly again. And IT ain't a couple weeks,more like a year and 1/2. And ARRON boy finnaly admits he got one on his throwin hand. But he don't want to sit. LOVER boy next up. And ARROn only thinks about his personal statistics and addin them up. What he afraid of. He'll end up in future going to another team with SUPERBOWL asperations. I'll put it this way. He can't throw and PHILLY knows it. WHY me goin UNDER.

This it for generic,vitamin,eat proberly boy. He need this game. It his season. Lose this and rest of schedule will be a good-by tour for under-inflated football guy. Not that he won't make ZILLIONS when he hangs um up,but this his last chance at football glory. And he needs to regain his touch. This is the game. And BUCS D is solid if not there injured offensive line. And at 45 he still can release and get that pig to receivers. So GO GOLDEN BOY. Sorry that the PACK,runnin back and kicker from years ago,and for the life of me can't member his name at moment.

Talked nough. Just say I like the CHARGERS givin in this one. Another who needs game to stay alive.

I'M sorry KERRI LAKE,but you LOST. Last thin CONGRESS needs in it is a WEATHER REPORTER.


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Re: DOGS,MANS best friend.
« Reply #138 on: November 26, 2022, 08:54:44 AM »
I'D like to add: Me last post be a $50.00 parley.
It seems hard to hit but member.
2 teams  13-5
3 teams   6-1
4 teams   11-1

One last thin. TEASERS: either way.
6,6.5,7 I could hit alot and look perfect.


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Re: DOGS,MANS best friend.
« Reply #139 on: November 26, 2022, 09:31:41 PM »
Paul Horning


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Re: DOGS,MANS best friend.
« Reply #140 on: November 28, 2022, 08:55:30 AM »
Under 39 1/2 Pitt. vs Colts......Patrio ts + 5  1/2.......Da Bears + 2 1/2........


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Re: DOGS,MANS best friend.
« Reply #141 on: December 02, 2022, 10:27:30 AM »
: 11.dt


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Re: DOGS,MANS best friend.
« Reply #142 on: December 02, 2022, 10:42:32 AM »
Jets And Under
Lions and Under
Miami and Under


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Re: DOGS,MANS best friend.
« Reply #143 on: December 02, 2022, 06:21:14 PM »
JOHN FRANK ARMY will start off this segment with I got smashed last week. Not the first time.
EPM thanks for remindin me name of GOLDEN BOY. I should readily have known. My best friend died of COLON CANCER when he 29. We did everythin togeather along with his wife LINDA. He moved to LOUIVILLE 3 years before he past. Me and another buddy tripped down to their home about once a month. Many others also made trip. Always stayed at the house. PARTYING. Then he died. Obviously LINDA was not goin to remain celabite for rest of life and she had 2 kids. I never had romantic interests but we still went down on occasion. She met a really nice guy and romance brewed. That ended when she met another local. He proposed after divorcin his wife and of course a lot of us goes down for weddin. We stayin at house. We'ees all like to drink although STROHS And FALL CITY beer ain't me favorites. But everyone else likes partakin in BOURBON WHISKEY. So it FRIDAY Night and LINDA and future heads to rehersal and when that over heads back to house. Where drinkin to 4AM and weddin at 2PM with followin reception. So's it about 3AM and JOHN FRANK ARMY say's to GROOM: Your not fit to marry my former best  friend's wife. OH BOY!. He a former linebacker for LOUIVILLE CARDINALS. Went into back yard and got my ass slaughtered. Packed me shit cabbed to local HOLIDAY in. GROOM calls me at 10AM and apoligizes. Says you gots to come to weddin. I dooes and weddin guests are all gossipin: Because me gots black eye,swollen jaw and forehead. Only fight I ever got maaassacured in. I knew how CUSTER felt. I'll continue: Never talked to LINDA again. Got info from friends who still went down. She divorced him a few years later because he was beatin the crap out of her. She went on to marry 3 more times and divorce and last I heard some time back she with the slugfest maniac again. Alright conclusion: One of her 2 sons with me BUD,could not take it anymore. He walked in front of a fast movin freight train. She had a nephew come down to visit and blew his brains out with revolver in basement. Lets get back to subject. He not the boy for her. And you ask,WHAT the fuck do this have to do with anythin. In between her marriges she went with GOLDEN BOY,PAUL HORNING for 6 months. How could his name  escape me!

Now on to more important thins.NFL FOOTBALL.

This is good again. ELLLYFUSE or whatever his name is,head coach of BEARS goin WE will announce at gametime who will QB our SHIT team. And no one cares. If FIELDS plays HE STINKS. He did before and with his injuries will be PUTRID. ARRON I can't give up the PIG. The guy has gone in his last 277 throws against thee CUBS has not 1 interception. A battle against 2 injured QB'S. I'sss give the edge to ROGERS.

Can they win second on road. I hope so. Last week I thought watchin with no time left they scored touchdown and now down by 1. I thought for sure they kick extra and go into over. They go for 2 and WIN. GUTTSY call by OFFENSIVE or head coach whoever the HELL they be.

The LIONS are playin well if not for their record. At home and for first time LIONS fans have somethin to cheer about. I'm not big on TRVOR LAWRENCE me thinks he still needs to prove himself.

BUCS/SAINTS..... BUCS-3.5    OVER 40.5
Why keep on backin a 45 year old QB. So's me mind is confused again EPM. Who was that 48 year old for the RAIDERS years ago who stepped in. Anywayyyys I'm confused who QBEEEIN for the lowly SAINTS. Need some scores on OVER. Any fans in stands from that scare hurricane that never hit them. Or did they all head to ALASKA to hide.

Since me down $30.00 skins,JOHN FRANK ARMY will play a $50.00 5 team parley at 22-1.

Who has a better chance of bein indicted. BIDEN for throwin a $450.00 plate dinner at WHITE HOUSE for 350 people or TRUMP for drinkin 50 DIET COKES a DAY at TAXPAYER expense. Thank YOU all. JOHN FRANK ARMY has spoken. 


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Re: DOGS,MANS best friend.
« Reply #144 on: December 02, 2022, 10:05:38 PM »
Plunkett or I gotta back further


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Re: DOGS,MANS best friend.
« Reply #145 on: December 02, 2022, 10:48:34 PM »
My second guess was Lamonica.. but then i used a cheat come up with. Blanda...I dont remember these 2 playing but have seen clips on them


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Re: DOGS,MANS best friend.
« Reply #146 on: December 02, 2022, 11:28:22 PM »
See this kis bet a $27 parlay ...think he had world series and bunch of s paying over 500 k...they offered him a cash out option but as of couple days ago he wasnt budging...Needs France to win world  cup..


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Re: DOGS,MANS best friend.
« Reply #147 on: December 02, 2022, 11:31:31 PM »
Think first thing he caught was Nba final winner...Sharp kid..Seen interview and they had him disect  how he come up with play


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Re: DOGS,MANS best friend.
« Reply #148 on: December 03, 2022, 03:14:53 AM »
Just seen somebody put 901 k.on Usc....Ouch


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Re: DOGS,MANS best friend.
« Reply #149 on: December 05, 2022, 12:05:52 AM »
See our boy Antonio Brown is making headlines again...Guess he whipped a shoe at one of his ho's..not a bad shot,hit her in the ponytail...Went to arrest him or whatever AB wasnt budging out from out of the Crib.. :P


shout out

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