General Category > Political Roundtable


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Why should I pray?

He lied and he lied and he lied.

He mocked the disabled, women, people of color.

He kidnapped babes-in-arms, banned Muslims, insulted war heroes.

He pretended he was a big-shot when in reality he’s up to his eyeballs in debt.

210,000 Americans are not recovering, many he killed by his actions.

Why should I pray?

If Allah wills it, he will recover.

Rabbi Of Racing:
God Bless President Trump, he is Americas only hope, if the Commie Left takes over ,the Country is lost forever

Fuck him and his looking for sympathy faking COVID ass.

If he dies from it, then maybe I might believe he had it.

 for anybody wishing bad health on my president. I will see to it that they get the ass cancer plague, you can take that to the bank,pay

Ruffolo Buster:
As I see it, there are 2 h were highly recommended by our beloved President.  First, you can wait until the warmer weather and it will miraculously disappear.  If you don't have the patience to wait, the 2nd option is to inject him with bleach (as many people did under his suggestion).  As our president says "it helps clear the system.  On the other hand, the whole thing may just be a hoax and fake news.  There is no such thing as the corona virus.  The democrats created it just to make our beloved President look bad. 


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