General Category > Thoroughbred Racing

Churchill Downs shithole ARLINGTON TRACKSIDE.

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update at trackside. 23 more individuals have been tracked contackin co-vid from trackside.
And the FUC KARDASHIAN goin. Come on in and bring you money.If you don't have cash we got plenty ATM'S that you can draw from for a $7.00 fee.
It's time KARDASHIAN gets this SHIT and DIES.

Bernie Madoff:

--- Quote from: luker2453 on October 07, 2020, 10:03:51 PM ---No, just a case of Miller Lite per day, that will do it.

--- End quote ---

 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3


RANTING AGAIN ngc3 ngc3 ngc3

UUUUGH. Did DRAFT DODGER say this with PRESIDENTIAL PLANE in background at one of his ASSINE airport stops.
"I'M sofull of health. I want to go out and KISS everyone of you. This VIRUS is BS. LOOK at ME. It's nothing. If one catches it you will be fine. Go back to work,stand here without masks and social. Sure I can catch it again,may be 4 months from now,2weeks from now,maybe tomorrow. You people me fans. Good to see you no wear masks just like me dimbrain. INCREDIBLE that this FUCKIN DRAFT DODGER flouts tellin his RED NECK supporters to get VIRUS and spread. And it will with his non-stop airport cheerleaders. THIS COCKSUCKIN useless POS has become the ultimate spreader of VIRUS in the world. HOW brave the COCKSUKER is. Where that BRAVERY when the COCKSUCKER could have actually shown it. He CHICKENED out to SERVE. The COCSUCKIN FUC a SKIRT and AFRAID. FUC this COCKSUCKIN POS PRESIDENT. YA: ALL that DIED SERVIN are SUCKERS and LOSERS.Talk about sofull of SHIT. He epitomizes the phrase".



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