General Category > Political Roundtable

Dr rand paul HAM Sammich



Dude went HAM today

I’ll vote for him as president

I agree giving everybody including my 95 year old gma more free money is no good and makes no sense

My parents need 1200 like they need a hole in their head

Can’t they target people who lost their jobs and or small businesses industry workers etc

I won’t get $1 so I don’t care just means I’ll pay more taxes story of some of our lives that don’t suck on the govt teet tho many ploppers do

So'S you dots a RED NECK FUC preachin away. The RED NECK JACKASS don't even know how to tie a double windsor and wears a clip on. And you think the STUPID FUC is great. He should have been standin if front of the RED NECK congregations worshipin rattlesnakes and handlin and say they won't get bit. And then they do and beggin for nearest ER to save them. Nice STUPID FUC,you admire. And thanks for tellin all SHITSTERS you parents are wealthy and you from same tree. We LOVE listenin to bragging about how you got it made.


--- Quote from: JOHN FRANK on December 24, 2020, 03:55:37 PM ---So'S you dots a RED NECK FUC preachin away. The RED NECK JACKASS don't even know how to tie a double windsor and wears a clip on. And you think the STUPID FUC is great. He should have been standin if front of the RED NECK congregations worshipin rattlesnakes and handlin and say they won't get bit. And then they do and beggin for nearest ER to save them. Nice STUPID FUC,you admire. And thanks for tellin all SHITSTERS you parents are wealthy and you from same tree. We LOVE listenin to bragging about how you got it made.

--- End quote ---

 ngc3 tmbz1


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